Money and Finance

7 Things The World’s Richest People Don’t Even Think About Doing

Wanna be rich? You have to think rich. Or better yet, act rich. Here are seven things rich people never do.

1. Paint giant letters on their bodies in sub-zero temps at ball games.

2. Rush through Walmart yelling, “Where the thongs be at?”

3. Saving left over bits of wire over 20 years and shaping them into transistor radios.

4. Asking to see the secret menu. Rich people ask for the Double Secret menu.

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5. Holding eye contact with dogs.

6. Asking strange people to donate to a charity called you.

7. Cold-calling homeowners at dinner-time and saying, “Sir, these are the very last vegetable launchers in stock. Do you want one or not??!!”

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.