
Entertainment News Site Explains The Obvious In Feature Story

Two men posting news
Courtesy The British Library via Flickr Commons

An entertainment news site published a feature today on a popular news item, adding nothing and simply explaining the obvious. The headline of the story suggested that the site had uncovered new details, but the wording of the story artfully re-explained old news while breathlessly appearing to seem like new information.

“We are interested in views and clicks to our stories,” the managing editor revealed in a recent phone interview. “Because of the constant need for fresh and exciting news on dull events, we create the illusion there is more going on than is actually happening.

“The trick is to reword each item, and then add personal ‘takes’ like ‘It’s good to see this celebrity is getting back on track,’ or ‘We love this TV show and look forward to the entire cast emerging from rehab.’ It’s these flourishes that give the story new energy and zip.”

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.