Travel and Places

10 of the most amazing athletes in the history of Colorado Springs

Here are 10 of the most amazing athletes in the history of Colorado Springs, spanning all kinds of sports and age levels.

1. Bobby “Thunderfoot” McAllister – Professional Boulder Kicker

Known for his astonishing ability to kick massive boulders downhill at Garden of the Gods, Bobby became a local legend when he punted a 300-pound rock into Fountain Creek, where it still resides today as “McAllister’s Pebble.”

2. Janet “Jetstream” Alvarez – Middle School Long Jumper

At the age of 12, Janet broke all records at Palmer Middle School by long-jumping the entire length of the school gymnasium during a pep rally. Rumor has it, she didn’t even take off her Crocs. She retired early to focus on competitive pogo sticking.

3. Doug “Dizzy” Henderson – Ultimate Frisbee King

Doug became an icon at Colorado College when he invented the “Tornado Throw,” a frisbee toss so powerful it created its own wind patterns. He was banned from intramural games after one throw knocked over three campus food trucks.

4. Lila “Peak Power” Simmons – Pikes Peak Uphill Runner

Lila ran up and down Pikes Peak 17 times in one day to raise money for stray mountain goats. She claimed the altitude gave her “extra bounce.” Her record still stands, and a bronze statue of her running shoes was erected at the base of Barr Trail.

5. Randy “Rink Rat” Baxter – Youth Hockey Phenomenon

At only 10 years old, Randy scored 27 goals in a single game for the Colorado Springs Cougars Pee Wee team. He achieved this feat while simultaneously eating a hot dog during each period intermission, earning him the nickname “The Snack Attack.”

6. Cassidy “Cannon Arm” Dupree – Professional Rock Skipper

Cassidy became the first person to skip a rock across the entirety of Prospect Lake during a Fourth of July competition. Her 37-skip streak was so extraordinary, it earned her an honorary key to the city and a sponsorship deal with a local gravel company.

7. Tyler “Turbo” Thompson – High School Track Legend

In 1954, Tyler shattered state records by running the 100-meter dash in under 9 seconds at Cheyenne Mountain High School. Later investigations revealed no performance enhancers, just a fear of missing the taco truck parked near the finish line.

8. Gracie “Gravity-Free” Wu – Junior Trampoline Star

Gracie became a household name after performing a quadruple backflip with a triple twist during the Colorado Springs Junior Gymnastics Showcase. She claimed her inspiration came from watching squirrels jump between trees in Palmer Park.

9. Hank “The Hammer” Garrison – Retired Arm Wrestling Champion

A retired construction worker, Hank dominated the underground arm-wrestling scene in the 1980s, where he once defeated an opponent using only his pinky. Today, Hank runs a successful arm-wrestling-themed BBQ restaurant called “Hank’s Hammer House.”

10. Darla “Dive Bomb” Jensen – Olympic Synchronized Drone Flyer

A trailblazer in the obscure sport of synchronized drone flying, Darla led the Colorado Springs Flyers to victory at the first-ever Drone Olympics. Her signature move, “The Falcon Flip,” was so mesmerizing it caused one judge to drop his scorecard.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.