
3 Fun Facts About Opening Day

Opening Day is the first day of baseball every year. It usually falls near the end of March or beginning of April, and signifies a new beginning for each team. Check out these three fun facts about Opening Day.

Rebirth and Renewal

Opening Day represents a chance to start again for many fans. Tony Trynumbertwo from Southie said, “This is better than New Year’s Eve. I even have Opening Day Resolutions. Number one resolution is to set fire to every car in the parking lot if the Red Sox don’t bring home the pennant.”

Red Fever

In Cincinnati, the site of the first professional baseball team in the country, Opening Day is a major holiday. Susan Reddiapers from Covington said her whole family takes the day off from work and school to go to the game and cheer on the Reds. Well, except cousin Grenier who is in jail for several years for pushing a Texas Rangers fan over a balcony that one time. Fortunately, the fan landed on a pallet carrying a giant box of foam fingers.

National Holiday

Player Ozzie Smith once tried to get the government to name Opening Day an official national holiday. The campaign failed, but several fans tried to resurrect it for 2018. The President said he would do support it if it could be renamed Trump Opening Day.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.