Social Media

5 Dangerous Social Media Injuries

Social media is a dangerous activity that can result in serious injury. Be aware of these potential problems.

Facebook Face Freeze


Facebook Face Freeze occurs from spending too much time on the social media giant looking up old flames and creeping on the page of their current partner.

LinkedIn Leg Lock


LinkedIn Leg Lock is a serious injury that results from kicking yourself because you even joined this site. You spend all day deleting spam messages from dubious members whose only previous job seems to be as a “manager” for a made-up company in Nigeria.

Twitter Blindness


Twitter Blindness occurs when you attempt to keep up with every Twitter beef Donald Trump has going at any one point in time.

Google+ Shoulder Strain


Google+ Shoulder Strain happens when you click around too much on Google+ trying to navigate the insanely bad user interface.

Pinterest Hand Cramp


Pinterest Hand Cramp is a form of carpal tunnel that develops from pinning 72 pictures of your cat Mr. Whiskers and 3,683 inspirational quotes.





Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.