
5 ways to comb your hair in a pinch

Sometimes you don’t have a hair comb around. No worries. Try these methods.

Pegasus Feather Brush

This fantastical hair tool is made from the molted feathers of a celestial Pegasus. Each bristle is infused with magic that allows the user’s hair to always remain perfectly styled and to shimmer with an ethereal glow. The gentle touch of the feather bristles also induces calmness and a sense of peace, helping the user start their day in a serene mood.

Hydra Comb

A Hydra Comb is a mysterious artifact made from Hydra bones, which, as per the legend, had regenerative capabilities. This comb adapts to the user’s hair, giving it the nourishment, thickness, and strength it needs. Each tooth of the comb is said to represent a head of the Hydra, promising to enhance hair growth while reducing hair fall.

Sylph Wind Weave

Instead of a physical comb or brush, this method involves the summoning of a friendly sylph, a wind spirit. The sylph would weave through your hair, untangling and styling it with a natural, breezy touch. As a bonus, your hair would carry the fresh scent of the open air.

Pixie Dust Sprinkle

In this method, you sprinkle your hair with pixie dust, said to be collected from the enchanted forest. When the dust is applied, it causes the hair to style itself according to the user’s current emotions and thoughts, resulting in a truly personalized hairstyle that changes throughout the day.

Chameleon Charm Wand

This magical wand allows you to change your hair color and style as often as you want without any harm to your hair. With a gentle flick of the wand and the utterance of the right magical words, your hair could be braided, curled, straightened, or colored in an array of hues, all according to your whim.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.