Travel and Places

5 Worst Neighborhoods in Des Moines

Every town has some great neighborhoods. Here are 5 of Des Moine’s worst.


Residents in this village greet each other on the street with a catchphrase from a popular beer commercial. Annoying.


Thresherville resiedents are former farmers who retired to Des Moines to be closer to the “action of the big city.” Yet they still drive their threshers down city streets to get to bingo and early dinner specials.


Each home in Kerneltown must match the housing authority’s guidelines: it must look like a giant kernel of corn. No exceptions.


Residents of this neighborhood are legally allowed to NOT clear the snow off their car before they leave for work. Dangerous.

Rabbit Champion

To live in this neighborhood, you or your children must agree to raise rabbits that will vie for the Best Hare award at the Iowa State Fair every year.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.