7 People You Meet as A Food Delivery Driver
You meet many interesting people as a food delivery courier. Here are seven.
Ms. Crazy-and-Unreasonable Request
This customer asks you to perform unusual or unreasonable tasks. “Can you do a magic trick for a tip?” they ask. Huh?
Mr. Cancel-Order-After-Getting-It
I’m not exactly sure how this works, but I believe the strategy with this guy is is to place an order, and then before the driver can close out the transaction on the app, he cancels the order with some lame excuse. Free food!
Mr. Too-Stoned-To-Answer-the-Door
Mr. Too-Stoned or Too-Drunk places the order and then falls asleep. You stand outside pounding on the door. I try to get them awake by yelling, “Chad, get up! The zombies are coming!
Too-Cheap-to-Tip-and-Doesn’t-Want-To-Face-the-Driver Lady
She won’t tip but doesn’t want to face you. She writes comments like “Leave bag in the door” or “Leave it on the porch and leave.” Or she cracks the door and sticks out only her hand, or tries to look distracted by pretending she is on the phone or dealing with a baby.