Travel and Places

Hey kid, have you ever flown in a plane full of bullet holes?

Hey kid, let me tell you about People Express, a spunky little discount airline back in the 1980s. It was Spirit Air before Spirit Air.

Ever been on a Greyhound bus? Or have you ever been one 50 choir kids going to the state finals in a sweaty, un-air-conditioned 70-year-old rickety school bus on a sweltering 110-degree June day? That was People Express.

And kid, they didn’t have “buying tickets online” on a “credit card.” You paid CASH as you got on board. You could fly from NYC to London for $125. What, you only have 5 twenties and the rest in change in a jar? No problem. We’ll stand here while you count it out. Want to check a bag. That’s another 3 buckeroos.

And heck, if you played Flight Simulator on your IBM-PC at home? Let the pilot know because they may tap you on the shoulder to fly the plane for an hour so he can get some rest in the back by the soda stacks.

Don’t worry about those bullet holes in the fuselage. These planes were used in WWII and took some hits from Luftwaffe battles during the Diebe Raid on August 19, 1942 over the German-occupied French Port of Diebe. Just think of the holes as fresh air flow.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.