
10 things guitarists who only play Taylor guitars say

Sure, let’s set the scene: there’s a guy sitting on a stool in a small, dimly lit cafe. He’s got his Taylor guitar resting casually on his knee—a gleaming, polished work of art that he makes sure is always in full view. He clears his throat, taps the mic, and smiles a kind of self-assured smile that says, “I’m about to drop some knowledge on you all.”

Dog names

“Yeah, so people always ask me if I named my dogs after my guitars. Of course I did. My girl, T5, she’s named after my Taylor T5. Super versatile, and man, that dog’s got range. She’s like, one minute she’s barking at the UPS guy with this deep, resonant growl, the next minute, she’s whining for treats in a falsetto that could put Mariah Carey to shame. And my boy 814, named after my Taylor 814ce. He’s a classic. Best temperament. Doesn’t jump, doesn’t bite, just this deep, soulful gaze that makes you want to write a song on the spot. Honestly, if you’re gonna name your pets after guitars, why settle for anything less?”

Living the dream

“You know, people think playing in a band is the dream, right? Well, one time I got asked to join this pretty big band—I won’t say who, but let’s just say they have a few platinum records. I walked in, looked around, and what did I see? Gibsons. Fenders. I turned right around, man. I said, ‘If this isn’t a Taylor-friendly environment, then this isn’t for me.’ You can’t compromise on tone, you know? I mean, how am I supposed to create magic on a stage when everyone around me is settling for mediocrity?”

Shiny guitar

“So I’m on this date the other night, and the girl’s like, ‘Wow, your guitar is so shiny.’ And I go, ‘Yeah, it’s a Taylor. Gloss finish. UV-cured. You know, some guys polish their cars every Sunday. Me? I’m all about the guitar polish. My Taylor’s got a reflection so crisp you could do your makeup in it. Not that I’m saying you should. But you totally could.’”

Taylor travel

“I always keep my Taylor with me when I travel. I mean, I’m not just some guy who’s gonna let TSA throw it into cargo. No way. I bought an extra first-class ticket for it. People give me weird looks, but you know what? When they see me pull that baby out mid-flight and strum a little tune at 30,000 feet, suddenly everyone wants to talk to the guy with the Taylor. I’ve even had flight attendants ask if I could sing them a song. One time, I got free pretzels out of it. Worth every penny.”

Jam acoustics

“The other day, my buddy asked me if I wanted to come over and jam. I was like, ‘Sure, but what kind of acoustics are we talking about here? Is your living room sound-treated? Are we dealing with carpet or hardwood floors? Because let me tell you, if my Taylor 914ce is gonna sing, it needs a room that respects it.’ He told me he had shag carpeting and a low ceiling. I was like, ‘Dude, call me when you’re serious about sound.’”

Open mic

“I’ve got this thing about open mics. I don’t just show up and play. No, I scout them first. I need to make sure the crowd’s worthy of a Taylor performance, you know? I’m not gonna let my GS Mini waste its sound on an audience that’s just there for the two-dollar beer specials. One time, I found this place where the barista told me they’ve had, like, a dozen Taylors in there before. I was like, ‘Alright, now we’re talking. A venue with taste.’ And yeah, I brought the house down. Not surprised, though. It’s a Taylor, after all.”

Taylor-approved cap

“Oh, I don’t use a capo unless it’s a Taylor-approved capo. I’ve seen guys just slap any old capo on their guitar, and I’m like, ‘Do you even care about your neck tension? Do you even understand what you’re doing to your tone?’ My Taylor’s neck is built to perfection—precision-carved, sleek, a work of art. I’m not about to mess that up with some bargain-bin capo. I use the Taylor Capo, designed specifically for optimal tone and pressure. Anything else is just… disrespectful.”

Ebony pick

“I get a lot of people asking me why I don’t use a pick. Well, I do. It’s just made of ebony. The same wood as the fretboard on my Taylor 614ce. I had it custom-made, shaped to match the contour of my thumb. See, when you’re playing a Taylor, it’s not just about making noise—it’s about creating an experience. It’s about synergy between you and the guitar. You wouldn’t put cheap tires on a Ferrari, right? Same thing here. My pick and my guitar? They’re made for each other.”

Taylor obsession

“People sometimes say, ‘Man, you’re obsessed with your guitar.’ I tell them, ‘You’re right. I am.’ My Taylor is more than an instrument. It’s my confidant. My muse. When my girlfriend broke up with me, who was there for me? My Taylor 324ce. When I got promoted at work? My Taylor was the first one to know. I strummed a little celebratory riff right there in the living room. My neighbors probably hate me, but they don’t understand—this guitar deserves to be heard. It’s not just wood and strings. It’s a lifestyle.”

Michelangelo would choose Taylor

“You know what really gets me? When people say they bought their guitar because it was ‘affordable.’ I’m like, ‘Are you playing the guitar, or are you bargain hunting?’ I didn’t get a Taylor because it was ‘affordable.’ I got a Taylor because it’s the best. You think Michelangelo looked for budget chisels? You think Hendrix shopped the discount rack for amps? My Taylor 914ce cost me more than my first car, and you know what? Worth. Every. Penny. Because when I play, I want people to know—this guy isn’t messing around. He’s got a Taylor.”

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.