Travel and Places

Colorful characters of early Portland

Portland had some unique characters in the early days.

Ezekiel “Ziggy” PendergrassThe Beaver Hat Baron
Quote: “In Portland, the beaver is both a neighbor and a fashion statement!”

Mildred ButterworthMistress of Muffins and Mufflers
Quote: “If you can’t warm your hands with muffins, try mufflers. If neither works, you’re just not Portland enough.”

Thaddeus “Thud” McWobblesThe Great Stilt-Walker of the West
Quote: “They said Portland was wet, so I just stood a little taller!”

Lady Gertrude GlittergillGoldfish Whisperer and Socialite
Quote: “Darling, in Portland, even our fish have pizzazz!”

Sir Lancelot DandelionUnofficial Lord of the Unmapped Territories
Quote: “Why conquer lands when you can conquer hearts? Specifically, Portland hearts!”

Jebediah JugglebottomFounder of Portland’s First Platypus Petting Zoo
Quote: “They laughed when I brought the first platypus to town. Now they line up to pet them!”

Felicity FiddlesticksInventor of the Automatic Umbrella Opener
Quote: “Rain is just nature’s way of reminding us to innovate!”

Rutherford “Rusty” Von TweetPortland’s Preeminent Pigeon Poet
Quote: “If the pigeons could speak, they’d say, ‘Portland’s the place, every birdy should stay!'”

Lulu LarkspurThe Star of Portland’s Silent Harmonica Concerts
Quote: “In Portland, we appreciate the sounds of silence… especially when played on a harmonica.”

Maxwell MudpiesEntrepreneur and Founder of the “Muddy Boot 5-course Feast”
Quote: “In Portland, the muddier your shoes, the more stories you have to share at the dinner table!”

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.