Columbus Ohio Celebrates More Wins In National Rankings
Columbus, Ohio celebrates more wins in national rankings! The city recently was named the number one opportunity city in America by Forbes magazine. The magazine ranked 19 cities using factors such as population size, unemployment numbers, the age of the population and the median house price.
This follows a 2012 ranking by BusinessWeek magazine naming Columbus as one of the 50 best cities in the country. Forbes also had also previously ranked Columbus as a top city for doing business and one of the Best Places for Business and Careers. Relocate America also named Columbus as a top 10 city in 2008.
These rankings were just the beginning because in early 2015 Columbus hit the jackpot with a number of top rankings:
Columbus was ranked number one in Cities with Residents Most Unlikely to Shovel Their Public Sidewalks in Front of Their House after a Heavy Snow by National Shovel Magazine.
Columbus was ranked number five in Cities Most Likely to Have a Crazy Person in the Laundromat by National Laundromat Safety Council.
Columbus was ranked number ten in the country for City Most Likely to Have 20° Below Zero and 60° Above Zero in the Same Day by the National Weather Service.
Columbus was ranked number one in Loud Drunken Crowds Spelling out Their Name of Their State At Football Games by the National College Chant Association.
Columbus was ranked number three city in the country for Highest Per Capita Number of Bowling Alleys Than Any Other State with Lots of Germans and Irish Descendents.
Columbus was ranked number five in the country for City with People with At Least 8 Inches Higher Waist Size Than When They Graduated High School by the National Waist Size Estimation Council of America.
Columbus was ranked as the Number One City for Dog Owners by the Dogs Are Better Than Cats Association of America.
Columbus was ranked number one for City with Males between the Ages of 18 and 65 Driving by Ohio State University in Spring to Ogle Coeds by the National Coed Ogling Association.
Columbus was ranked number three as the City Most Likely to Have the Whitest People on the Beach during Spring Break in Florida by the Florida Snowbirds Please Go Home You Are Blinding Me Council.
Columbus was ranked number two as the City Most Likely to Say They Will Begin Their Workout Program After the Snow Melts by the Physical Exercise Procrastination Society of America.