How Colorado Springs almost got the Pikes Peak Thunder

Back in the late 1980s, Colorado Springs was this close to landing an NFL franchise: the Pikes Peak Thunder. The idea came about when eccentric billionaire and former rodeo clown-turned-oil-tycoon Buck “Bronco” Harrison decided Denver didn’t deserve to have the only NFL team in Colorado. He declared that “a true football team should live where the air is thin, the mountains are tall, and the tailgating chili tastes like freedom.” Naturally, that meant Colorado Springs.
Why the Thunder Were Coming to Colorado Springs
The NFL was considering expanding, and Buck convinced the league he could build a state-of-the-art, mile-high stadium that would “outshine Mile High Stadium” itself. His pitch included:
- “Thunder Peak Stadium”: A 100,000-seat monstrosity carved into the side of Pikes Peak, complete with hot tubs in the luxury boxes and a retractable roof shaped like a giant cowboy hat.
- The Mascot: A literal thundercloud on wheels named Boomer, equipped with flashing lightning lights and a sound system that would roar every time the team scored.
- The Gimmick: Players would ride down to the field on horseback while fireworks exploded in the background, “because football is America, and nothing’s more American than horses and explosions.”
The Wild Plan to Fund the Team
Since Buck’s billions alone weren’t enough to lure the NFL, the Colorado Springs community got involved.
- The Boy Scouts of America launched a citywide popcorn-selling campaign called “Snacks for the Sack.” They raised an impressive $125,000 but accidentally spent most of it on a giant popcorn ball that still holds a Guinness World Record.
- The city council approved a bizarre sales tax on hiking boots and yoga mats, reasoning, “If you can afford to hike Garden of the Gods in style, you can afford to support football.”
- Local kids organized lemonade stands, with one enterprising teen selling “Altitude Lemonade,” which was just regular lemonade poured into mason jars labeled “made with mountain air.”
Why It All Fell Apart
Despite the enthusiasm, the dream of the Pikes Peak Thunder died a spectacular and hilarious death. Here’s why:
- The Mascot Lawsuit: Boomer the Thundercloud scared a herd of elk during a trial run at Garden of the Gods, causing a stampede that ruined three weddings and a yoga retreat. The city was hit with lawsuits from angry brides and a very zen but very litigious yoga guru.
- The Stadium Disaster: During construction of Thunder Peak Stadium, workers discovered that carving a football field into the side of a mountain caused “unforeseen rockslides.” One boulder flattened Buck’s prized Lamborghini, leading to a tearful press conference where he announced, “Nature hates football.”
- Public Backlash: Residents turned on the idea after learning the team’s logo—a lightning bolt wrapped around Pikes Peak—would be lit up 24/7, visible for miles. This enraged local astronomers who complained it would ruin star-gazing at the nearby observatory. Signs reading “Keep Pikes Peak Dark!” popped up all over town.
- NFL’s Altitude Concerns: League officials balked when they realized visiting teams might need oxygen tanks to survive playing at the stadium’s elevation. One unnamed coach reportedly said, “We can’t have quarterbacks passing out in the huddle.”
The Final Nail in the Coffin
The last straw came during the public unveiling of the team uniforms. Buck insisted they feature neon orange jerseys with “actual working lightning” effects built in. The prototypes short-circuited, electrocuting a mannequin and blacking out half of downtown Colorado Springs. That day, the NFL officially withdrew their interest.
Legacy of the Thunder
Though the Pikes Peak Thunder never took the field, their spirit lives on. The popcorn ball remains on display in a local museum, the Boy Scouts gained valuable sales experience, and Thunder Peak Stadium’s half-built foundation was turned into a popular zip-lining course. And every time a thunderstorm rolls through Colorado Springs, locals still joke, “The Thunder’s back!”