
Letter of Paul to the Ohioans

Letter of Paul to the Ohioans

Hope is eternal for the land of the North, the land of the beaver and the moose, land of the fir tree and slightly large ski hills, land of the huge porches and big waters, land of the deer hunter with antlers on his truck, land of the Wolverine and the Spartan. God proves his love by giving the people of the Northern lands hope they may one day return to the Bowl of Rose, possibly victorious, probably not.

Paul walking through Ohio

In the end there is no matter. For with God it is more important you have hope. Hope for a quarterback, a running back, a receiver that will lead you through the perils of Ohio State contests and to victory. How are we justified to deny them this hope? Is it true the people of the Wolverine are better with reading, writing and arithmetic than those of the lower lands? It is possible.

But the patrons on the Scarlet letter made a decision early on, back in the time of the Woodman and the Harley of the Chic — that those that set foot on the Scarlet lands, in the house of the Harley, will be doomed to fail. And that the sons of the Scarlet lands will venture to the Northern lands and remain victorious. Though there be triumphs and tragedies, the People of Jagged Teeth will need hope to prevail, but they will most likely not, for they have not made the commitment those of the Scarlet shroud have, that they will win and win and win again.

But it matters not. Hope is the message. Hope to try again and ask the most high for strength, speed and a good chicken sandwich after the game, possibly the Filet of the Chic. This is the word of the Head Referee in Charge.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.