Travel and Places

Life moves too fast for this old Scot

Old Scot in the village pub thinks life is moving too fast:

“Och, aye, it’s a sad state we’re in, laddie. Back in ma day, things moved at a snail’s pace, ye ken? Now, it seems like the world canna stop spinnin’ so fast. Everythin’ is changin’ quicker than a Highland storm. The wee bairns these days, they dinna ken the value o’ takin’ it slow, savorin’ the moment. We used to sit by the fire, tellin’ tales and sharin’ a dram, but noo it’s all gadgets and gizmos. It’s a cryin’ shame, so it is.”

The village — which hasn’t changed in more than 100 years:

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.