

13 Week Medical School

Another group of medical researchers just determined that a high fat diet is NOT linked to a higher risk for cancer. I never know what to believe. Still, if I get sick, I’m happy I can be sick at this time in history. I’ve been reading about the history of medicine and we don’t know how good we have it.

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Cars and Traffic

Nobody Walks In L.A.

I used to live in San Francisco. San Francisco is a walking town. People are serious about walking. The favorite business shoe style for men is black Gucci’s with Vibram soles. Women wear high heels with actual mountain climbing cleats in them. In addition, many people carry walking sticks along with their briefcases. It helps with balance and is useful in poking tourists who stand in your way in small groups bent over maps looking for the Coit Tower.

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Real Men Play Blades

“Real men play blades”, said John Carling, Sr. as he hit balls at the Studio City Golf Range last week. “All these ‘game improvement’ clubs, hybrids, perimeter-weighting, cavity backs, all of ’em are crap. It’s just the golf industry coming up with new ways to make money. And most people fall for it. Hook, line and sinker!”

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Travel and Places

The Greatest City in the World

(This article was written just after the 9/11 tragedy.)

“Sorry about that,” a guy in a tuxedo and white scarf said after he bumped into me outside Caroline’s comedy club.

“This IS New York, right?” I asked our next cabbie.

“Yes, mon,” he said, smiling beneath a shock of dreads, showing two rows of gold and silver teeth, “the greatest city in the world.”

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Celebrities in Los Angeles: Short Story

Celebrities are common in Los Angeles. Angelenos are blasé around them. On the other hand, you can always tell people visiting from, say, Ohio. If they see a celebrity in a restaurant they speak in a I-think-I'm-whispering-but-I'm-really-yelling-so-loud-that-the-whole-restaurant-gets-quiet voice, "Hey, isn’t that Pee Wee Herman at the bar????!!!!"

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