Travel and Places

10 amazing things you have to see in Nashville

1. The Bouncing Biscuit Hotel A building in Nashville shaped exactly like a buttermilk biscuit. The best part? The floors are made of trampoline material, allowing guests to hop from one level to the next.

2. The Twisty-Turny Teapot Tower A 50-story building shaped like an old-fashioned teapot, where every room has a unique, wonky shape. Rumor has it, if you’re there at noon, the tower releases steam from its spout accompanied by a whistle!

3. The Rainbow River A mysterious stretch of the Cumberland River that, for inexplicable reasons, flows with multicolored water. Local legends speak of a mischievous leprechaun who once spilled his pot of gold here.

4. Whirlwind Record Rink A giant record-shaped skating rink that spins slowly, giving skaters a groovy experience. DJs play music using an enormous needle hovering over the rink, making everyone feel like they’re part of the record.

5. The Upside-Down Gardens Botanical gardens where everything grows upside down! Visitors walk on transparent glass paths and look up to see roots, while flowers and fruits hang down like beautiful chandeliers.

6. Balloon Belly Alley An alley filled with floating cafes and shops inside giant helium balloons. Patrons have to grab a tethered rope to enter their desired venue and enjoy an aerial view while sipping their coffees.

7. Tambourine Trampoline Park A park where every trampoline is shaped like a musical instrument. When you bounce, it plays the corresponding instrument sound. A large group of jumpers can form an impromptu symphony!

8. The Wonky Clockwork Plaza Here, giant, surreal, and misshapen clocks adorn the square, each telling a different time from around the world. There’s a game for visitors to figure out the real local time!

9. The Invisible Art Gallery A quirky museum that claims to feature the world’s most intricate and beautiful artworks… but they’re all invisible! Guided by audio descriptions, visitors use their imagination to “see” the art.

10. Porridge Pool Paradise A spa resort where the pools are filled with different flavors of warm, edible porridge. Perfect for those chilly Nashville days, visitors can both soak in and snack on oatmeal while being serenaded by country tunes.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.