Food and Restaurants

10 fantastical noodle shapes that will change how you twirl your fork

Ladies and gentlemen, carb lovers, and pasta fanatics, brace yourselves. The world of pasta is undergoing a revolution, and it’s not just about whether to put cheese on seafood pasta (still a big no-no in Italy, folks). We’re talking about pasta shapes so innovative, so outlandishly creative, they make spaghetti look like yesterday’s overcooked linguine. Here are 10 fantastical pasta shapes that are about to take your pasta night from “meh” to “mamma mia!”

UFO-rfalle: First up, we have UFO-rfalle. Yes, you heard it right. These are not your grandma’s farfalle; these are pasta shaped like tiny UFOs. Perfect for those who like a bit of conspiracy with their carbonara. The best part? The little indentations are great for capturing sauce, and who knows, maybe even signals from outer space.

Dragonelli: Move over, fusilli, Dragonelli is here! These dragon-shaped noodles are not just for the ‘Game of Thrones’ enthusiasts. With wings and tails that perfectly scoop up pesto and Alfredo, Dragonelli is the pasta shape that will make your dinner breathe fire (figuratively, of course).

Time-Travelini: This pasta is shaped like tiny hourglasses. Each bite takes you back or forward in time, depending on how you chew. Disclaimer: Time travel not guaranteed, but they do provide a timeless eating experience.

Loch Ness Noodles: Imagine pasta that looks like the elusive Nessie. Each strand is a mini sea monster, perfect for diving into the depths of your favorite soup. Kids will love them, and adults will appreciate the novel way to debate the existence of mythical creatures over dinner.

Invisibilli: Now, this one is for the minimalists. Invisibilli is pasta that’s… well, invisible. The ultimate low-carb option, perhaps? You might not see it on your plate, but you’ll definitely feel it in your heart. And your stomach. Maybe.

Giggleoni: Shaped like tiny laughing mouths, Giggleoni is the pasta that literally makes you happy. Each bite is a giggle, making it the perfect choice for those gloomy days when you need a little laughter with your tomato sauce.

Puzzle Pasta: Who doesn’t love a good puzzle? This pasta comes in interlocking pieces, so you can actually build your dinner plate. It’s fun, it’s challenging, and it’s a great way to convince your kids that playing with their food is sometimes totally acceptable.

Aurora Rotelle: Inspired by the Northern Lights, these wheel-shaped pastas change color as they cook. Imagine serving a bowl of pasta that’s a swirling, twirling light show. It’s like dining under the stars, minus the chilly night air.

Opera Orecchiette: Each piece of this pasta looks like a tiny opera stage, complete with miniature curtains. When you pour sauce over them, it’s like the curtain is rising on a culinary show. Perfect for those who like a bit of drama with their dinner.

Emoji-ghetti: Last but not least, Emoji-ghetti. This pasta is shaped like your favorite emojis. From smiley faces to hearts, each strand is an emotion waiting to be devoured. It’s the modern way to eat your feelings, literally.

So, there you have it, folks. The pasta landscape is changing, and it’s as wild as a bowl of spaghetti in a tornado. These shapes might sound fantastical, but in a world where you can 3D print your pasta, are they really that far-fetched?

Remember, the next time you’re boiling water for a simple penne or fettuccine, think outside the pasta box. Who knows? Maybe UFO-rfalle or Giggleoni is just what you need to turn your ordinary meal into an extraordinary culinary adventure.

And let’s be real, in a world where pineapple on pizza is a thing (controversial, I know), is it really that crazy to think of pasta that can make you time travel or giggle? I don’t think so. In fact, I’m off to patent my idea for Laugh-a-lot Lasagna. It’s like regular lasagna, but every layer tells a joke.

Until then, keep twirling, folks, and remember: life is too short for boring pasta.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.