Tech and Science

10 insane AI chatbots you have to try today

Sure, there are some cool AI chatbots and large language models (LLM) out there. But not like this.


Meet “ChatterMatter,” a language model developed by the tech company “Fluffernutter Dynamics.” ChatterMatter specializes in generating dialogue for imaginary friends. Yes, you heard it right! If you’ve ever wanted your imaginary friend to have a more robust vocabulary or discuss existential philosophy with you, this is the model to consult.


Introducing “MooMooAI,” brought to you by “Cowabunga Systems.” This language model is designed exclusively for cows. Farmers can input the “moos” and “baas” of their livestock, and MooMooAI will translate it into actionable farming advice. For example, a series of long moos might be translated as “The pasture needs more grass.”


Say hello to “YarnTeller,” a product of “KnitWit Technologies.” This language model is trained to write knitting patterns but with a twist—it only generates patterns for clothing items that don’t exist, like five-sleeved sweaters and inside-out socks. Perfect for the avant-garde knitter looking to make a fashion statement.

Schrodinger’s Chatbot

From the labs of “Quantum Quokka Corp” comes “Schrodinger’s Chatbot.” This language model exists in a superposition of states, providing answers that are simultaneously correct and incorrect until observed. It’s perfect for those who love to live in a constant state of uncertainty.


“SpudBud” is the brainchild of “TaterThink Inc.” This language model is designed to offer life advice based solely on potato-based metaphors. Whether you’re going through a “mash-up” or feeling “fried,” SpudBud has all the tuber wisdom you need to root for yourself.


“BlahBlahGenius” is a product of “Verbose Ventures.” This language model specializes in generating filler text for awkward social situations. If you’re ever at a loss for words during a lull in conversation, just pull out your phone and let BlahBlahGenius do the talking.


“HaikuZoo,” developed by “SyllaBam! Studios,” is a language model that writes haikus, but only about animals that are extinct or mythical. Want a poignant 5-7-5 syllable poem about a dodo or a unicorn? HaikuZoo has got you covered.


“ZapStraw” is the flagship product of “ElectroSlurp Co.” This language model is trained to generate smoothie recipes based on the electrical conductivity of the ingredients. Ever wondered what a copper-infused banana smoothie would taste like? ZapStraw can tell you.


From the creators at “Noodle Nebula,” meet “PastaProphet.” This language model predicts the future based on the arrangement of pasta shapes on your plate. Spaghetti spirals signify good fortune, while a rogue macaroni might mean you should avoid stepping on cracks.


Last but not least, “DreamWeaverFast” is the magnum opus of “SnooZar Inc.” This language model crafts bedtime stories that are guaranteed to induce lucid dreams. Just input your dream goals, and DreamWeaver will concoct a tale that prepares your subconscious for a night of vivid adventures.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.