Travel and Places

10 insane Indianapolis trucking schools

1. Cloud Chaser Trucking Academy 

Established: 1989 

At Cloud Chaser Trucking Academy in Indianapolis, students learn to drive their big rigs with heliumfilled trailers! As the trucks almost levitate, drivers perfect their balance and precision. 

Review by Ricky Jones: “After graduation, regular trucks feel so…grounded. Best experience ever!”

2. Midnight Rodeo Truck School 

Established: 2005 

The only school that insists on nighttime lessons with students wearing cowboy hats. Bonus points for yeehawing while changing lanes. 

Review by Lila Johnson: “I can now parallel park under a starry sky while line dancing. Yeehaw!”

3. Big Blue’s Underwater Hauling Institute 

Established: 1998 

Why drive on roads when you can navigate underwater? Big Blue’s specializes in submersible truck driving lessons at the local Indianapolis lakes. 

Review by Marcus Davids: “Always wanted to truck and snorkel. Two birds, one stone!”

4. Zen Truck Mastery Dojo 

Established: 2010 

Here, students meditate before each lesson, learn the art of truck feng shui, and sip green tea during breaks. 

Review by Naomi Wu: “My inner peace is now in sync with my truck’s engine. Serenity at 60 mph!”

5. Galactic Gears Truck Galaxy 

Established: 2022 

Why limit yourself to Earth? Galactic Gears preps you for interstellar trucking with spaceshiplike cabins and asteroid avoidance techniques. 

Review by Leo Straton: “Driving on the Milky Way beats the I70 any day!”

6. Time Traveler’s Trucking School 

Established: ??? 

Exact founding date is a mystery. Rumor has it that they teach trucking through different historical eras. 

Review by Clara Oswald: “Took a wrong turn and ended up in 1776. Got directions from Ben Franklin. 10/10 would timetruck again.”

7. Jester’s Jumbo Jig Truck College 

Established: 2000 

Learn to drive a truck while participating in a circus act! Expect juggling lessons at every red light. 

Review by Hank O’Neil: “I can now honk, haul, and hulahoop simultaneously. Top that!”

8. Spooky Shifters Paranormal Trucking 

Established: 2013 

Night drives in haunted Indianapolis alleys, learning to deal with ghost hitchhikers and poltergeistpacked trailers. 

Review by Elvira Graves: “Thought I signed up for a regular school. Now I have a phantom codriver named Fred. He’s chill.”

9. Enchanted Elf Trucking Enclave 

Established: 2007 

Elfsized trucks and fairy instructors ensure you master the craft on a miniature scale before going big. 

Review by Gary “Tallfoot” McGinnis: “Turns out, size does matter. Now I can truck in any dimension, large or small!”

10. Chef’s Cargo Culinary Truck School 

Established: 2015 

Drive while you deep fry! This school combines trucking with gourmet cooking lessons. Reach your destination with a freshly baked pie. 

Review by Bella Tortellini: “Delivered cargo and catered a wedding on the same trip. Bon appétit!”

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.