Personal Development

10 questions to ask yourself when you are trying to find your purpose

  1. If I were a potato, what kind of dish would I want to be made into? (Helps you think about the kind of impact or legacy you’d like to leave behind.)
  2. If unicorns were real and I could ride one, where would we gallop off to? (Makes you consider your ideal environment or dream destination.)
  3. Would a troop of singing and dancing bananas applaud the choices I’ve made today? (Challenges you to evaluate if you’re making choices that are authentically you.)
  4. If a mysterious alien came to Earth and wanted to trade skills, what skill of mine would be so unique they’d want to learn it? (Helps you to recognize your unique strengths and gifts.)
  5. If I were a magical creature with a 100-year nap ahead of me, what dream would I want to experience the most? (Pushes you to dream big about your aspirations.)
  6. If my life were narrated by an animal, which animal would be the most dramatic and why? (This might help you consider the tone and energy you bring to your daily experiences.)
  7. If I could throw a tea party in a giant teacup floating in space, who are the three fictional characters I’d invite and what would we discuss? (Could help reflect on the kind of stories or themes you relate to most.)
  8. If trees could talk and I had a conversation with one, what juicy secret would I share with it? (Points to the vulnerability or hidden sides of ourselves we might want to acknowledge or address.)
  9. If I had to paint my life’s purpose using only three colors, which would they be and what would the artwork look like? (A fun way to visualize your life’s essence and passion.)
  10. In an alternate universe where emotions can be baked into pies, what flavor would my purpose pie taste like? (Invites you to think about the emotional essence of your purpose.)

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.