Travel and Places

10 signs you know you are in Indianapolis

10 signs you know you are in Indianapolis:

The city’s skyline is dominated by a racetrack, but good luck finding a fast route through downtown traffic.

You overhear someone saying, “We’ve got culture!” and they’re pointing at the yogurt section in the grocery store.

It’s basketball season, football season, or “waiting for basketball and football season” season.

You see more corn-themed merchandise in gift shops than actual corn in the fields.

The most heated debate isn’t about politics, but whether Peyton Manning or Andrew Luck was the better Colts quarterback.

You’re told the city is “up and coming,” and it’s been that way for the last two decades.

Everyone claims to have once met David Letterman’s cousin’s friend’s neighbor.

The local diner’s idea of international cuisine is putting salsa on scrambled eggs.

You can’t walk a block without seeing a “Hoosier Hospitality” sign, but no one can actually define what a “Hoosier” is.

The biggest event of the year involves cars driving in a circle, and yet, everyone is on the edge of their seats.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.