Food and Restaurants

10 signs you’ve eaten at IHOP too many times

You’ve started referring to all your meals as ‘the first pancake of the day.’

Your GPS automatically navigates to IHOP, no matter where you’re actually trying to go.

The waitstaff greets you with, ‘The usual?’ before you’ve even sat down.

You have a dedicated drawer at home just for IHOP syrup bottles.

Your coffee at home just doesn’t taste right unless it’s served in a tiny pot.

You’ve considered naming your firstborn after your favorite IHOP server.

Your kitchen is littered with IHOP napkins, like breadcrumbs leading back to your true love.

You’ve started rating other meals on a scale of 1 to IHOP.

The IHOP menu has become your bedtime reading material.

You’ve seriously contemplated whether IHOP could cater your wedding… or any major life event, really.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.