Food and Restaurants

The new IHOP gift emporium: A pancake lover’s paradise

IHOP, IHOP, IHOP. The International House of Pancakes. A place where dreams are made and diets are destroyed before noon. But what if, in a stroke of marketing genius (or madness), IHOP decided to follow in the syrupy footsteps of Cracker Barrel? Imagine, if you will, a world where to reach your table and indulge in your weight’s worth of pancakes, you first must navigate through the treacherous terrain of an IHOP gift shop. Here are ten things you might find in this breakfast-themed bazaar, each more absurd than the last.

1. Syrup-Scented Candles

First up, for the olfactory enthusiasts, we have syrup-scented candles. Because who doesn’t want their entire house to smell like they accidentally spilled Aunt Jemima’s finest all over the living room rug? Perfect for romantic dinners when you want to subtly hint, “I’d rather be eating pancakes.”

2. Pancake Mix Throw Pillows

For the home decor aficionado with a penchant for breakfast foods, behold the pancake mix throw pillows. Not only do they offer lumbar support, but they also serve as a constant, fluffy reminder of what you’re missing every moment you’re not at IHOP. Warning: May induce hunger pangs and existential dread.

3. Non-Stick Teflon Ties

Ah, the non-stick Teflon ties. For the businessman who has everything except a way to repel syrup stains during power breakfast meetings. These ties scream, “I’m professional, but I also know where to find the best Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘N Fruity.”

4. “I’d Rather Be Eating Pancakes” Bumper Stickers

Nothing says “I have my priorities straight” like a bumper sticker declaring your undying love for pancakes. It’s the perfect way to bond with fellow traffic-jammed foodies and ensure everyone behind you knows exactly where you’d rather be (as if the syrup stains on your shirt weren’t clue enough).

5. Maple Syrup Perfume

For those who understand that the essence of true romance is smelling like you’ve bathed in breakfast. Maple syrup perfume is the ultimate olfactory accessory, ensuring that bees, ants, and pancake enthusiasts will always be drawn to you.

6. Pancake-Flavored Lip Balm

Keep your lips soft and constantly craving breakfast with pancake-flavored lip balm. It’s like kissing breakfast goodbye every time you use it, only to realize you’re actually making your addiction to IHOP even worse.

7. Egg-Shaped Stress Balls

Because nothing says “I’m stressed” like squeezing the life out of a fake egg. These egg-shaped stress balls are perfect for those moments when you realize you’ve spent your entire paycheck on pancakes and now have to explain to your partner why rent is late.

8. Breakfast-Inspired Jewelry

Show off your love for the most important meal of the day with breakfast-inspired jewelry. Bacon earrings, waffle necklaces, and omelet rings. Because nothing complements an outfit quite like food-themed accessories, especially when you’re trying to be taken seriously at your next job interview.

9. DIY Pancake Art Kits

Unleash your inner breakfast Picasso with DIY pancake art kits. They come with everything you need to turn your pancakes into mediocre art. Perfect for impressing absolutely no one and realizing maybe you should stick to eating pancakes, not painting them.

10. The IHOP Chair

Last but not least, the IHOP chair. It’s just a regular chair, but three times the price and with the IHOP logo on it. Because if there’s one thing IHOP knows besides pancakes, it’s how to make you pay for things you definitely don’t need.

The IHOP gift shop: where breakfast dreams come to die, and your wallet comes to weep. Every purchase is a step away from your financial goals and a step closer to becoming the pancake-scented person you never knew you wanted to be.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.