
10 Things Cleveland Browns Fans Say Before The Start of the 2019 Season

1. This is the year.

2. We got it now.

3. We’re the team to beat.

4. John Dorsey! Hey, he was with the Chiefs and you know how good the BBQ is down there.

5. Baker Mayfield, Baker Mayfield, Baker Mayfield.

6. Seven wins last year, baby! That’s six more than one and seven more than zero.

7. I haven’t been this excited since I saw Jim Brown eating lunch at the Terminal Tower.

8. ESPN says we’ll win the AFC North. Of course, these are the same guys who got rid of Bill Simmons. Oops.

9. Freddie Kitchens. His name is Kitchens! What’s cooking in there, Freddy? Smells like VICTORY!

10. How bad could it get? We’ve been there.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.