Tech and Science

10x Your Productivity With A See-Through Shower Curtain With Pockets For Your Phone or Tablet

Haven’t had time to catch up with “Game of Thrones?” Still have five seasons of “Sons of Anarchy” you haven’t even touched?

No worries, son and daughter. Now you can get a clear shower curtain with 17 pockets for your phone or tablet!

There are vertical and horizontal pickets for different sized devices at different heights, so tall and short types can both watch the World Cup while washing off the day’s grime.

Pretty cool, right?

Think about it! Now you can bank, shop, Twitter, watch TV shows, Facetime, get a college degree, learn how to change the oil in your car, look at photos from Madagascar, Snapchat, look at old Vines you made before the platform folded, see cats chase dogs, watch a lady do pushups while her dog sleeps on her back, check out original rap videos from the late 80s, compare jokes from 1950s comedians to 1970 comedians to track the evolution in stand-up, stalk old flames on Facebook, catch up on thousands of threads on Reddit, and check out the top 10 livestreamers on Twitch — all while sampling that new 128 ounce bottle of Awapui Shampoo you got at a one-hour flash sale at Costco one Saturday for 50 cents.

The main problem I see is I wouldn’t be able to hear the sound coming from the device over the rush of water.

“OK, let’s review our Spanish verbs today!” says the lady on the video.

“What?” I yell, steam coming over the top of the shower curtain.

“Ser,” she says.

“What? Ser? Sara? Sara is my sister’s name! Hey, do you know my sister?” I bellow.

“Hacer,” the video teacher says.

“Wait, what? Hacer? Ah sara? Like, Ah, Sara, why didn’t you come to my party? What’s wrong with you? I came to your party.”

So there are some drawbacks.

I think you could live with those.

But I wonder why they stopped with a shower curtain with pockets? Seems like they backed away from a great idea.

Why not wrap a whole desk and laptop in plastic so you can work on a full computer while lathering up?

In fact, why not design an office with drop down shower head that comes out of the ceiling while plastic quietly drapes the top of your current desk? You NEVER have to leave the chair to shower!

Need both hands to lather up the shampoo? Just wait until you are uploading a video or other mundane computer task.

Now you can multi-task like a champion. You’ll never be later for work again because you couldn’t tear away from the latest “Better Call Saul.”

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.