Tech and Science

3 Scary Things You Should Know About Climate Change

Climate change is real and it’s scary. Here are three things you should know.

Your Aunt Jennie is Getting Warmer

Sure, she was active after her divorce, but things are REALLY starting to heat up lately. Did you see her wearing her athleisure to the mall? Might be a suitor managing the Spencer’s Gifts, hmmm?

Ice is Melting Faster Than Your Dog Running Into a Door Because He Didn’t Wait Until You Opened it All the Way

Ice is melting fast, son. Did you plug back in the refrigerator after you cleaned it? And did you get all those cobwebs off the back part when you did the job? I told you to get them cobwebs, didn’t I?

Weather Is Wild

Did you notice climate change is changing the weather is crazy ways? Used to be, you could expect nippy weather the first home game of the high school football season. Now, it is 72 and sunny until Christmas. Is Santa going to come this year wearing shorts and showing legs so white they reflect Rudolph’s nose like a sun flare?

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.