Travel and Places

5 worst car dealers in Lexington

Lexington has a ton of great car dealers but inevitably there’s a few bad apples. Here are five to avoid.

Complement Cars

Complement Cars is located downtown right near the Tastee-Freez. Ar first it seems like a dream because when you walk in, everyone complements you about something.

“Nice suit, sir, looking sharp!” says a mechanic making his way back to the garage area.

“Wow, I love your haircut!” says the finance manager as you pass her office.

Obviously, they are buttering you up to buy a new car.

Until you don’t. Then the complements turn passive aggressive.

“Gee, I love the car you want to trade-in. A true classic. I didn’t think realize one this old is still on the road, ” says your salesperson. “But you’re a seasoned senior, right, so it sort of fits.”

I don’t about you, but I can get insulted at home.

Yawn Motors

Let’s face it, none of us are getting enough sleep. But the cats down at Yawn Motors are really, really, really tired. They must be because they all have their heads down on their desks when you walk in.

“Wakey, wakey!” I say with a smile as I walk by the sales offices. “Anybody want to sell a car today! Hello?”

No go. They didn’t budge. I looked around. This is the only car dealer on the planet without a coffee machine. “Hey guys, I can order some Starbucks to be delivered. Anyone? How about a Frappuccino – maybe you just need some sugar?”

Nothing. I don’t know why they are so sleepy, but they lost a sale. Avoid.

Snarlin’ Carl Car Sales

I loved Snarlin’ Carl Car Sales’ commercials. Snarlin’ Carl, the owner, stands with his feet wide in front of the dealership and says, “Folks, if I can’t get you the lowest price in town, I’ll start snarlin’ to the sales manager TO LOWER THEM PRICES FOR THE PEOPLE!”

Wow, this guy is going to fight for me, the little guy!

And he did. Until my credit report came through. He started snarlin’ at ME! “Get out of here with your crappy credit!”

He almost kicked me in the rump at the door after chasing me through the dealership.

Euology Motors

You better have car repair skills to shop here because they only sell dead cars. Dead as in don’t start, don’t work, don’t run.

Every day they take in a few cars and give each one a eulogy on FB Live.

“Lord, we are gathered hear today to honor the life of this 1978 Honda N 600. This is the first Honda model ever sold on American shores. This one lasted all these many years but died recently when a young boy took it to college. He and his friends piled in for beer run and it ended life in front of the Piggly Wiggly.”

Sure, it’s a gimmick but you can get some great deals. On the other hand, you’ll spend a bunch to bring it back to life.

Leftie Car Sales

Leftie sells used cars formerly owned by left-leaning voters. Most of the cars have bumpers covered with stickers sporting slogans like, “Science if for Everybody With a Brain!” and “My Kid Joined the Teacher’s Union and I’ll I Got Was This Lousy Bumper Sticker!”

I talked to the sales manager. She told me people shop there because of the stickers. “It’s much easier just to buy a car that has all the stickers you want on it than try to order them all from scratch.”

90 percent of the cars are Subarus.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.