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5 worst garden centers in Omaha

Omaha, a city known for its lush landscapes and avid gardeners, is home to some of the best garden centers in the Midwest. However, nestled in its various neighborhoods are some gardening nightmares. Here’s a closer look at the five garden centers that have somehow managed to get everything about gardening wrong.

1. Wilting Wonders – Benson Where Plants Go to Give Up

Manager’s Pitch: “At Wilting Wonders in Benson, we embrace the beauty of imperfection. Our plants are living metaphors for resilience in the face of adversity.”

Customer’s Lament: “I think even the fake plants are dying here. I’ve seen plastic ferns lose their will to live.”

In the heart of Benson, Wilting Wonders offers a unique shopping experience where the line between a garden center and a plant hospice blurs. The plants here are on their last leaf, but the staff remains bizarrely optimistic.

2. Concrete Jungle – West Omaha For the Paving Stone Enthusiast

Manager’s Pitch: “Why bother with the hassle of living plants? Here in West Omaha, our Concrete Jungle offers a low-maintenance, no-green alternative.”

Customer’s Lament: “It’s a garden center for people who hate gardens. I’ve seen more flora on a sidewalk.”

Nestled in the suburbs of West Omaha, Concrete Jungle caters to those who believe that the best garden is one made entirely of stone.

3. Bug Haven – Old Market Insect Utopia Disguised as a Plant Store

Manager’s Pitch: “Old Market’s Bug Haven is a celebration of nature in its rawest form. Our plants come with friends!”

Customer’s Lament: “I unknowingly started an ant farm in my living room. Thanks, Bug Haven.”

In the historic district of Old Market, Bug Haven is a go-to for those who appreciate the smaller things in life – mainly, insects.

4. The Shady Nook – North Omaha Where Sunlight is a Myth

Manager’s Pitch: “In North Omaha, The Shady Nook specializes in plants that thrive in the shadows. Who needs sunlight when you have ambiance?”

Customer’s Lament: “I bought a ‘shade-loving’ plant. It loved the shade so much it vanished into thin air.”

The Shady Nook in North Omaha is where plants and sunlight are estranged. It’s a twilight zone of horticulture, perfect for those who find sunshine overrated.

5. The Gnome Depot – South Omaha A Surreal Experience Beyond Flora

Manager’s Pitch: “Here in South Omaha, The Gnome Depot isn’t just a garden center; it’s an experience. Our gnomes bring magic to any garden.”

Customer’s Lament: “I’ve had nightmares about those gnomes. They’re planning something; I can feel it.”

In South Omaha, The Gnome Depot offers an escape from the ordinary. It’s a place where gnomes reign.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.