Weather and Climate

7 ways Texans are beating the heat

Texas is entering the fourth week of record-breaking heat. Even worse, thousands struggle to stay cool due to power outages around the state. From the Panhandle down to the southern border, here are seven unique ways Texans are trying to cool off.

Water-filled cowboy boots

New cowboy boot designs have an outer lining that allow water to be pumped into an outer chamber. The water is pumped past a cooling fan built in the rear of the boot heel and back through the boot, keeping your feet nice and cool. Another benefit is the workout you’ll get carrying gallons of water around all day. I talked to the designer. He said, “Texans are tough, but even the toughest cowboys need a way to beat this heat. These boots are made for walking and for keeping your feet cool when you’re out in the sun. It’s a unique design that we’ve been working on for months, and we’re excited to see people trying them out.

The boot design may seem strange, but it’s catching on quickly. People are lining up to get their hands on a pair, and they’re raving about how comfortable they are. Some are even wearing them to work, and the looks they’re getting are priceless.

As I walked around the state fair, I saw dozens of people wearing the boots, and it was easy to spot them in a crowd. They were the ones with smiles on their faces, even in the scorching heat.”

Rainbow sky painting

Instead of cool messages in the sky, pilots paint rainbows with multi-colored smoke cans. This tricks the people on the ground into believing they just had a nice refreshing rain that cooled everything off. One of the pilots explained,”I heard about this idea from a friend who was stationed in the military. They used to do something similar to distract enemies on the ground. I thought, why not use it to help people in Texas beat the heat? So, I got some smoke cans in different colors and started practicing.”

The effect is mesmerizing. As the plane flies overhead, it leaves a trail of colors in the sky, creating a rainbow effect. People stop what they’re doing and stare up at the colorful display, feeling the coolness of the rain they believe has just fallen. It’s a moment of relief in the midst of the heat.

The city of Houston has even hired a few pilots to fly over the city parks and cool off the crowds. It’s become a popular attraction, and people are lining up to see the rainbow sky painting.

Thermal imprint cloaks

These specially crafted cloaks are woven with a combination of advanced nanofibers and enchanted threads. When worn, the cloaks conform to the individual’s body and analyze their thermal signature. They then emit a refreshing, cool mist that envelops the wearer, effectively regulating body temperature and creating a personal microclimate of comfort. The inventor said, “The thermal imprint cloaks I’ve designed are perfect for that. They’re not just cooling, they’re personalized. They analyze your body’s thermal signature and provide just the right amount of mist to keep you comfortable without making you too cold. Plus, they look pretty cool too.”

The cloaks come in a variety of styles and colors, and they’re becoming a status symbol among Texans looking for relief from the heat. They can be seen at outdoor concerts, in line at food trucks, and even at the beach. The inventor of the cloaks has become something of a hero in Texas, with people lining up to get their hands on one of his creations.

Ice cube cars

An ice maker in San Antonio dreamed up a crazy idea. What if you could make a giant ice cube into a car? With the spirit of American invention pulsing through his veins, he did it. The Ice Cube car keeps you cool as the breeze from driving down the road runs over the ice and right into your face. He showed how it worked to the press yesterday. He said,”It is made entirely out of a giant block of ice, with a small compartment for the driver to sit in. The ice is carefully sculpted and shaped to resemble a sleek sports car, with a pointed front and a low, aerodynamic profile.”

He climbed in to demonstrate it at a local car show, where it quickly became the center of attention. Crowds of people gathered around, gasping in amazement as they watched the ice car glide smoothly down the road. The cool air from the ice cubes wafted out of the car, providing relief from the sweltering heat outside.

The ice cube car quickly became a sensation, with people lining up to take it for a spin. It was the perfect way to beat the heat while cruising around in style. The inventor was thrilled with the response, and he promised to keep working on new and innovative ways to stay cool in the Texas heat.

Fan boys and girls

Fan boys and girls are teenage kids that walk beside you with a giant bamboo fan they wave up and down to cool you off. This is possible since Texas doesn’t believe in child labor laws. Some rich people provide their fan boy with a motorized backpack that drives an electric fan that provides an even better cooling air flow.

The idea originated in Dallas and came from a mother of 27 kids. “They were miserable just laying around and complaining about the heat. I told them to get out there and fan some people off for some cash,” she explained. “Once it went wrong, though. One of my kids tripped on the fan and it hit the customer in the face. But the customer was already passed out from the heat so they didn’t even realize what happened.”

Private clouds

Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have developed a private cloud technology. Each person has a cloud that hangs above them to provide cooling rain. The lead researcher explained, “We wanted to create a solution that was effective, but also sustainable. By using specialized materials and algorithms, we were able to create a small, self-contained cloud that hovers above each individual. It provides a cool, refreshing mist that helps regulate body temperature, without the need for massive air conditioners or other energy-intensive cooling systems.”

The private clouds have become a must-have item for wealthy Texans, who can afford the high price tag. They’re also being used at outdoor events, where they provide a welcome respite from the heat. The clouds come in a variety of colors and shapes, and they’re quickly becoming a status symbol among the elite.

Ice cream man on a paddle board

Ice cream trucks are a common sight during the summer in Texas, but the heat is making it difficult for them to keep their goods cold. That’s why one enterprising ice cream man in Corpus Christi decided to take his business to the water. He made his ice cream truck into a paddle board, and he rows himself around the beach, selling frozen treats to anyone in need of a cool-down.

The ice cream man explained, “I was tired of having my ice cream melt before I even got to the beach. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and bring it to the people. It’s been a hit so far, and I’m loving being out on the water.”

Customers can paddle up to the ice cream man on their own boards or buy ice cream from him as he makes his rounds. He’s even been known to do a little impromptu surfing while he’s out there.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.