
All Max really wants is a T-bone, not the steak, the T-bone

Once upon a time on a cold Christmas Eve, a little dog named Max got lost in the bustling city. He didn’t know where he was or how to get back home to his loving family. He lost his bus ticket and the bus driver said, “Sorry pal you gotta walk!”

As the night wore on, Max grew colder and hungrier. He wandered the streets, searching for any sign of familiarity. But the city was a maze of flashing lights and unfamiliar sounds, and Max was starting to lose hope. He started to daydream about his cushy days when all he did all day was watch Animal Planet.

Just when things seemed at their worst, Max stumbled upon a homeless man huddled in a corner of a alleyway. The man was shivering in the cold, but he had a kind face and a gentle voice. He offered Max a bite of his meager meal and a warm place to rest.

Max gratefully accepted the man’s kindness and settled down beside him. As they sat together, the homeless man told Max stories of his life and how he came to be living on the streets. He said he was a former movie agent and felt Mad had some star qualities. Max listened attentively, feeling a sense of connection to this stranger who had shown him such compassion on a night when he needed it most.

Meanwhile, a hard-bitten police officer named Jack was patrolling the streets, looking for trouble. Jack had seen a lot of terrible things in his time on the force, and he had grown jaded and cynical. For example, one time he pulled over the mayor and the mayor was smuggling an entire Airstream trailer full of priceless vintage Archie comics. He didn’t believe in the Christmas spirit or in the goodness of people.

But as Jack was making his rounds, he happened to come across the homeless man and Max huddled together in the alleyway. Something about the scene touched a chord in Jack’s heart, and for the first time in a long time, he felt a flicker of compassion.

Jack approached the homeless man and Max, and to their surprise, he didn’t give them a hard time or try to move them along. Instead, he offered to help them find a warm place to spend the night and get Max back home to his family.

The homeless man and Max gratefully accepted Jack’s offer, and together they set off into the city. As they walked, Jack and the homeless man talked and laughed, and Max could sense the bond between them growing stronger. He knew soon he would be chewing on a T-bone.

Eventually, they found a shelter where they could spend the night, and Jack made sure that Max was safe and well cared for. The next day, Jack helped Max’s family locate him and reunite with their beloved pet.

As Max was reunited with his family, Jack realized that the true meaning of Christmas was not about material possessions or being tough, but about spreading love and compassion to those in need. From that day on, Jack vowed to always help those in need and to keep the Christmas spirit alive in his heart. But for now he ordered a T-bone steak at the all night diner and gave Max the bone. Merry Christmas.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.