
The magic Christmas trees in the forest

As the holiday season approached, Jake and his wife Lisa were discussing their plans for Christmas. “I was thinking we could take the kids out into the forest to look for one of those decorated trees,” Jake suggested.

Lisa looked skeptical. “You mean the ones that people say are out there, but no one has ever actually seen?”

Jake nodded. “Yes, those ones. I know it sounds crazy, but I have a feeling we’ll be able to find one if we try.”

Lisa sighed. “It’s freezing outside, and the kids are already so excited for Christmas. Are you sure we want to take them on a wild goose chase in the forest?”

Jake persisted. “Just think about how excited they’ll be when we come back with a tree that’s already decorated. It’ll be like a Christmas miracle. And who knows, maybe it really is a gift from a higher power.”

Lisa still looked unsure, but she finally agreed to give it a try. “Look, Jake, I know you just got out of your stressful job as a violin repair man, but I think you are still hallucinating. Still, I want to support you.”

The next day, they bundled up the kids and set off into the forest.

As they walked, Jake and Lisa explained to the kids what they were looking for. “We’re looking for a special kind of tree, one that’s already decorated for Christmas,” Jake said.

The kids’ eyes lit up with excitement. “Will it have lights and ornaments and everything?” asked their daughter, Emily.

“That’s the idea,” Lisa replied. “But remember, we might not find one. Your father’s brain hasn’t been the same since he was got into violin repair. He was under a lot of stress for a long time. And Betty dumped him on top. Well, looking back, she was never fully committed so it’s hard to say what happened. Kinda manipulative however you cut it. So it’s just a fun adventure we’re going on.”

They walked for what felt like hours, with the kids darting back and forth between the trees, searching for a sign of a decorated tree. Just when Lisa was about to suggest turning back, Emily let out a shout.

“I found one! Look, it has lights and a shiny star on top!”

Jake and Lisa rushed over to where Emily was standing, and sure enough, there was a tree that was adorned with sparkling lights and shiny ornaments. The whole family was stunned and filled with awe.

“It’s like a Christmas miracle,” Jake said, his voice filled with wonder. “I can’t believe it actually exists!”

“Maybe it really is a gift from a higher power,” Lisa said, her eyes shining with excitement.

“A higher power? You mean like Dolly Parton?” Jake said, smiling.

Together, they carefully cut down the tree and brought it back home, where they set it up in the living room and admired its beauty. The kids were overjoyed, and the whole family felt a sense of wonder and magic that they hadn’t experienced in years.

As they sat around the tree, basking in the warm glow of the lights, Jake and Lisa couldn’t help but feel grateful for the unexpected adventure they had embarked on. They knew that they would always treasure the memory of finding a decorated tree in the forest, and they were already looking forward to the next holiday season when they could go out and search for another one.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.