Food and Restaurants

Can I substitute the lima beans? Please?

There’s a strip mall down the street with one store that keeps on changing owners. Here are the last few businesses that have failed in that spot.

The Disco Inferno – Failed because the DJ played nothing but the song “Y.M.C.A.” on repeat.

Sparkling Suds Dry Cleaning – Failed because the owner’s pet parrot kept pooping on the clothes.

The Roller Rink – Failed because the owner’s pet ferret kept stealing all the roller skates.

The Axe-perts – Failed because the owner kept accidentally throwing the axes into the ceiling.

The Tipsy Tavern – Failed because the owner kept serving drinks in tiny thimbles instead of glasses.

Thimble-sized glasses that turned off customers.

The Sandwich Spot – Failed because the owner kept putting peanut butter on everything, even the pizza.

Judo Joe’s Training Center – Failed because the owner kept accidentally karate chopping the students in the face.

Barber Bob’s – Failed because the owner kept giving all the customers mullets, whether they wanted one or not.

Om-worthy Yoga – Failed because the owner kept farting loudly during class.

Pump It Up Gym – Failed because the owner kept making the patrons do endless rounds of the chicken dance as their workout.

Health-a-plenty – Failed because the owner kept refusing to sell anything but wheatgrass smoothies.

Sushi Sam’s – Failed because the owner kept serving live fish that kept jumping off the plate.

The Deli Delight – Failed because the owner kept forgetting to wear pants to work.

Snapshots Photography Studio – Failed because the owner kept Photoshopping goat heads on all the subjects’ bodies.

Customers complained the owner put goat heads in their pictures

Peppermint Pauline’s – Failed because the owner kept serving everything with a side of lima beans.

Mark and Paulie’s – Currently operating…

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.