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Casey Neistat’s Vlogging Secrets

Casey Neistat is the best vlogger that ever lived.

Before Casey, vlogging consisted of holding the phone up and recording your day. What you had for breakfast. What you bought at TARGET.

Casey took vlogging to the next level, using cinematic techniques he learned working on his own TV show for HBO and directing commercials for big brands.

Here are three techniques you can use to improve your vlogging quickly and easily.


Perhaps the best thing you can do for your vlogs is to model Casey’s use of helicopters. Casey has dozens of videos of flying in helicopters, leaning out of helicopters and dangling below them on rope ladders.

He flew in helicopters in Afghanistan as a journalist with para rescue jumpers. He flew with expert helicopter pilot Bradley Friesen in British Columbia, Canada. He flew in a helicopter to Vidcon.

Once he flew from the heliport on top of his office building to the heliport of a building across the street.

Another time he flew above the Hollywood sign to save a cat who had climbed to the top of the H and couldn’t get down. Of course, he turned that into a video that go 300,000,000 views.


The next Casey technique is to wear sunglasses at all times. The trick is to settle on a pair that you really like and wear them all the time. Don’t change the style. Find something really unique and make it your trademark style.

Then you need to wear them all the time. And I mean ALL…THE…TIME. Jogging, swimming, taking the dog for a walk, jumping out of airplanes. Even sleeping.

Sleeping? Really?

Yes, first of all you’ll look cool all night. Let’s say you have to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. You know when you turn on the light to the bathroom at 4 in the morning and it burns your eyes? Well, now your retinas are safe from sudden blinding light. AND, you can turn to yourself in the mirror, smile and say, “You still got it, kid!”

More importantly, when you wear sunglasses while sleeping, they reflect your brain waves back into your head, helping you think clearer and become more creative. Many studies prove that wearing sunglasses during REM sleep is like a “Smart Pill” that makes you more intelligent, innovative and resourceful. That’s one big reason why Casey had been able to come up with so many great videos that people love.


The third tip is to ride skateboards everywhere you go. Casey is a skateboarding expert.

He can do Ollies, a Frontside 180, Backside 180, Heelflip, Casper Flip, even a Bigspin 360 kickflip which involves turning your body into a human pretzel midair. He did this while filming a vlog segment at the American Museum of Natural History where he flew over the top of a 50-foot Tyrannosaurus Rex while holding a $80,000 8K film camera. That’s 10 grand per K!

It was the same camera they used to shoot Avengers Infinity Pool.

Anytime you are not travelling in a helicopter, you want to be riding a skateboard. In the spring. In the summer. In the fall. I want you to ride skateboards even in the winter. Do what Casey does and put snow tires on your skateboard. It will be harder to balance but you’ll blow around cars stuck in drifts with ease.

Skateboarding will make you faster, more mobile and versatile as a filmmaker. Your viewers will feel the energy and movement that will separate your vlogs from some knucklehead sitting alone in his trailer talking to his flip phone about how many time his dog stopped on the way to the park to do his business.

So there you go. Three ways Casey Neistat changed the vlogging game and you can to.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.