Travel and Places

Columbus Community Spotlight – Jerome



kids kids kids settle down settle down
they go wild out here no hi no sooner
had I posted Kyle ville and then getting
more calls Cavill Township called me and
said well how come you did a video about
Amblin and not us and I did Cal Vil then
I get a call from Jerome Jerome Township
they said dude we got the Glacial Ridge
Metro Park right near here how come you
didn’t talk about us oh my god
good there’s a reason that Ohio is as
successful as it is man they competitive
as hell out here so this is a video
about your Rome which done five requests
after I did a bunch of videos on Kyle
Ville and other communities and in and
around Columbus Ohio just kind of been
the theme today last couple days well
here we go Jerome uh guys this is a
parody video about Jerome and Jerome of
course I love is their main claim to
fame or what but glacier ridge Metro
Park is right near there
oh you may need it may need some fork
land at relax after the the confident
competitive life out here but of course
I kid it’s a relaxing wide-open
northeast part of Columbus Ohio
northwest part as you say
and people in the area generally know it
as Dublin or even Powell you know but
but really that’s for those video
vloggers and bloggers and authors and
writers that are not as good as me I
gotta get down into the nooks and
crannies into the communities the
people’s and I give you the straight
skinny and especially when they get a
call from Jerome they’re like yeah hey
come on dude come on man bring your
video camera round here bring that
stupid camera right here
so guys Jerome is just another part of
the network of great communities out
here and let’s so let’s go back let’s go
back to when it started why is there why
it’s called Jerome and the whole thing
all right so Jerome was back in the
1800s that’s when it all began
it’s really settled around 1850
incorporated around 1865 and really
started to grow
honestly when when Dublin when Columbus
started to expand north west which would
be Dublin Paolo it’s really when it
started to grow like a week and now you
got what 50 60 thousand people out there
living its kind of a bedroom community
you could say but nonetheless the has a
rich history and that history has to do
with an industry you might not typically
associate with Jerome
and that is making circus tents making
circus tents so when you look at the
history of circuses they really can add
a boom in the late 1800s Early 1900s
through about nineteen well really
through much of the 20th century but
they’re on the downswing you know there
are some left but you know but back in
the day somebody had to make the circus
tents and that was all done in Jerome
and they had a saying at some of the one
of the biggest circus tent makers it was
don’t worry you’re not alone you’re in
Jerome right or don’t worry you’re home
you’re in Jerome and that was in the
offices be up on the wall and that was
to make their customers all of the
circuses feel at home like this is the
one you have but you have met the top
circus tent maker in the world and we’re
gonna make it I’m gonna make that tent
that’s gonna put you over the top and if
you are at the time you’re gonna stay at
the top because these are the best
circus tents ever made right here in
Jerome and I was like wait a minute
I’m listening this story this was sent
to me by a resident of your own so I
don’t know for sure of visit effects but
let’s take it as they are but still a
circus tents made out in Jerome well
that’s true guys the original centers
settlers of Jerome were seamstresses and
tailors from the old country from
England from Scotland from Austria and
Ireland even and a couple of them from
Spain and they all know each other from
the industry from going to the
conventions going to the association’s
and they said why don’t we light out for
America and start our own thing
and the leader of this grow the
this group what is that’s right Jerome
TB hunt
Jerome TB hunt probably the most
dastardly the most infamous guy and all
of circus tent making in the last 200
years oh sure he had a good side he was
good at his job he was good at the craft
he made the best circus jazz you could
ever want
but he was also a cheat it was awesome I
think it was also a man of many faces
because before he became a circus tent
he led a life where he would remove
items from people’s homes that did not
belong to him now others called him a
Robin Hood the police called him suspect
but guys that was back in the old
country when he came here to America he
decided to be changes pleased and not
only to lead the best circus tent making
community made of people from different
this walks of life different countries
different backgrounds he was going to
lead them to the top of circus tent
business but he was also going to change
his personal life and get rid of the
demons that led him to a part-time life
of crime
and guys it was successful he found the
Lord and he founded the First Church of
Jerome he even gave sermons on Sunday
about turning a new leaf about finding a
thread that in your life that is not
tainted that is a reflection of the good
in everybody soul it’s there and you’re
just gonna take that single thread and
weave a new coat of existence that is
good and true and right and just and
that’s exactly what he did and the
weaving is an apt analogy because this
is a man who is a master with a needle
and thread
and hence
the power human he held over others in
his industry who looked at him as number
one as the Gunny that started it all and
was going to make them rich and
successful in America
and guys that’s out Jerome grew and
prospered but as we’ve said many times
the Wheel of Time is never-ending and
constantly turning it’s a slow turn for
sure but turn it does and eventually the
circus tent of business went down as do
all businesses eventually do you think
that Facebook is going to be the leader
of the pack in 2099 well you might be
right about that but it won’t be long
before it’s somebody else maybe it’s
tick tock maybe it’s a new competitor
that we haven’t heard of because the
Wheel of Time keeps on turning albeit
slowly it never stops
and guys the circus tent business didn’t
do as well eventually Jerome got old and
the younger people didn’t want to go
into that business because here they
were in America where opportunity was
unlimited and they started a number of
various businesses around the area and
the entire Columbus Ohio area group
from the children and grandchildren of
the people that came here and started
sowed the seeds of success in Central
Ohio and Jerome was at the center of the
in Northwest Ohio guys you can’t write a
book about the success of dublin and
powell and other Gilyard and other
communities that people know off the top
of their head here in central Ohio
without including the story of Jerome
and just like we said earlier in the
offices of the circus tent company they
had slogans like don’t worry you’re home
you’re in Jerome
or you’re not alone you’re in Jerome
that kind of concern and care for the
fellow man and customers continues to
this day guys and when you go to Jerome
today you feel what they felt back in
those days that feeling of brotherhood
of togetherness of teamwork
of love of country and fellow man and
and I would say today you can update
that slogan
and apply it to anybody that comes to
your home or leaves and that slogan is
now no matter where you roam you’ve
always got a home
in Jerome
guys is inspiring and is the latest in
our series of community spotlights and
it truly is a Joe Nestle parody I love
that one guys this is an expiring story
don’t further inspire until I say
expiring it could be expiring you it’s
an inspiring story don’t forget to come
back we got so many more tales about
Ohio and other towns and America

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.