
Halloween Lawn Props Hit Candy Corn Too Hard – Cops Called

Halloween Lawn Props Hit Candy Corn Too Hard – Cops Called

A group of lawn Halloween props decorating homes on a cul-de-sac in the suburb of Willow Wisp raised concerns when they started pounding candy corn and candy kisses in the early morning hours on Halloween night. The noise and debauchery eventually woke the neighbors, prompting Mrs. Ivehadenough to call law enforcement. Neighbors reported seeing Jason, Creepy Clown, Headless Zombie, Talking Witch, Faceless Ghost, Meat Hook Hand, Foggy Gargoyle, Crawling Ghoul and Zombie Hoard dancing and partying throughout the area.

“It was wild when we arrived,” said Willow Wisp police chief Jack Handsoutofyourpockets. “The Talking Witch was doing keg stands while Meat Hook Hand and Crawling Ghoul were downing entire bags of candy corn. I had to call in additional units to get things calmed down.”

Hanging Scarecrow, Flying Monkey, Groundbreaker Ghoul, Giant Hairy Spider, and Fire and Ice Dragon were all arrested for public intoxication. Bag of Bones and Inflatable Headless Pumpkin were taken in for warrant violations, and Scary Snowman was booked for not wearing pants.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.