Space and Exploration

Hot takes from the planets

I’ve always wanted to get some hot takes from the planets. Here’s how it went:

Host: Mercury, how does it feel to be the closest planet to the Sun?

Mercury: Hot and bothered, mostly. And I have this permanent sunburn. It’s like living next to a never-ending barbecue.

Host: Venus, you’re often called Earth’s twin. Any sibling rivalry?

Venus: Oh, for sure! Earth gets all the attention with her “life” and “water” thing. But I have fabulous clouds! And let’s not forget, I’m the hottest planet around.

Host: Speaking of Earth, how do you manage all the life bustling around on you?

Earth: Honestly? It’s exhausting. I’ve got people building things, drilling things, and taking selfies. And don’t get me started on the dinosaurs. They never cleaned up after themselves!

Host: Moving on. Mars, there’s so much talk about humans colonizing you. Thoughts?

Mars: I’ve been watching Earth’s TV broadcasts. If they bring Wi-Fi and pizza, I might be okay with it. But they better not leave trash like they did on the Moon.

Host: Jupiter, how does it feel to be the biggest planet in our solar system?

Jupiter: Size isn’t everything, you know? But the Great Red Spot does make for a great party trick. Everyone loves a good storm!

Host: Saturn, everyone’s mesmerized by your rings. Do you ever feel boxed in?

Saturn: Sometimes, but I wear them with pride! They’re like cosmic jewelry. I’ve considered adding another for the new millennia.

Host: Uranus, why the tilt?

Uranus: Had a wild night out with Neptune a few billion years ago. Still paying for it.

Host: And speaking of Neptune, you’re the last of the gas giants. Ever feel lonely out there?

Neptune: It’s serene, not lonely. But I do get a bit blue. Literally.

Host: And lastly, Pluto, there’s been a lot of debate about your status. Planet or not?

Pluto: Seriously?! I’ve been around for billions of years, and now you question me? Call me whatever you want. I’m still here, rocking the Kuiper belt.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.