
Jacksonville Jaguar Jalen Ramsey Claims He Could Play in the NHL in Six Months

Jacksonville Jaguar Jalen Ramsey is confident. So confident he believes he could play in the NHL within 6 months of training and preparation.

Except…he doesn’t know how to skate.

The guy is a world class athlete, so no doubt he could learn to play high level hockey, but the NHL? In six months? Er, no.

But, I like to keep things positive. Here are five things he COULD do in the NHL in six months with the proper training and lots of discipline:

-Run the Zamboni machine around the rink for all home games. It’s much harder than you think. Jalen will have to learn the right speed, temperature and other factors to get the perfect sheet of ice. With his NFL money he could build a rink in his yard and practice at night with his own Zamboni.

-Equipment manager. Will have to learn the necessary equipment and uniforms needed for each practice and game. He might introduce new equipment features like helmets with airplane wings to help speed players down the ice.

-Social media coordinator. During games, Jalen will be tasked with coming up with fun social media posts to bond with the team’s fans. Maybe even start a new “Ice Bucket” challenge type trend, like maybe “The Hip Check Challenge” where fans try to hip check their friends over the boards.

-Massage therapist. NHL players HUSTLE. It’s non-stop action on the ice. That means players need deep-tissue massage to stay loose. Practice massage techniques on unopened cuts of Porterhouse Steak.

-Director of ticket sales. In this position, Jalen will oversee a team of sales executives, as well as come up with promotional ideas like “Cold and Flu Season Night” or giveaways such as “Beer Bottle Bobbleheads.”

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.