
Local Songs From Around the US Commemorating The Fourth of July

America parties big on the Fourth of July as we celebrate Independence Day, the day in 1776 when America threw a bunch of tea in a harbor and opened the first Walmart. Did you know local musicians around the US have penned inspirational songs to commemorate this day? Check out these tunes on ITunes, YouTube, Spotify and other music services.

Gradual Climb, SC: “Elvis Shoulda Been President”

Dusty Hat, IA: “Shooting Bottle Rockets Outta My Truck at My Neighbor the Democrat”

Lonesome Dog, KY: “You Picked a Fine Time To Tell Me We Don’t Have A Fire Extinguisher”

Hill and Swale, VT: “I Stuck Sparklers in Your Underwear While You Were Watching the Fireworks”

Klement, AZ: “My MAGA Hat Caught on Fire”

Prairie Dog, OK: “Those Were Great Fireworks But Now I Can’t Hear A Thing”

Sun Dial, FL: “My Momma Made Potato Salad and I Went To the Emergency Room”

Rock Pile, GA: “Pickups, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Tooth Decay”

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.