Politics and Government

Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert battle for the Queen of MAGA crown

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert are in an epic battle of the ages to see which one is the most MAGA.

“I’m the most MAGA!” Green yelled as she did 2-story box jumps.

“No, I’m the most MAGA!” Boebert countered as she unleashed five cartwheels while unloading an AR-15 perfectly into a target.

They circled each other. Marjorie employed a boxing stance while Lauren favored a Kung-fu approach. Marjorie lunged and Lauren fell back, reached behind her and pulled a cue stick off the wall, cracking it into Marjorie’s mouth.

Marjorie stumbled back, her hand on her jaw where Lauren’s pool cue had connected. She glared at Lauren, her eyes blazing with anger.

“You wanna play dirty, eh?” Marjorie growled, lunging towards Lauren.

Lauren dodged the attack and grinned. “Bring it on, sister!”

The two women circled each other, fists raised and ready. Marjorie threw a right hook, which Lauren dodged easily, and followed up with a left jab. Lauren blocked the punch and countered with an uppercut that caught Marjorie off guard.

Marjorie stumbled backwards, but quickly regained her footing. She charged forward, tackling Lauren to the ground. The two women grappled, punching and kicking, tearing at each other’s hair.

Marjorie backed up and took a Jui-Jitsu stance. As Lauren came in with a left hook, Marjorie unleashed a series of Jui-Jitsu moves on her, flipping her over and pinning her to the ground.

“You think you’re tough? You think you’re the most MAGA? Trump is going to make me Vice President!” Marjorie taunted, pinning Lauren’s arms to the ground. “I’ll show you what a real MAGA warrior looks like.”

Lauren struggled beneath her, but Marjorie’s grip was too strong. Suddenly, Lauren’s eyes darted to the side, and she let out a sly grin.

“You might be tough, Marjorie, but Trump is just playing you. He’s going with Kari Lake for VP!”

With that, Lauren lifted her leg and delivered a sharp kick to Marjorie’s neck. Marjorie’s grip loosened, allowing Lauren to employ her knowledge of Brazilian Karate which is known for its aggressive strikes and kicks. Lauren got back onto her feet and delivered a series of swift kicks to Marjorie’s ribs and face. Marjorie tried to get up, but Lauren kicked her back down to the ground.

“You may be MAGA, but I am a warrior!” Lauren yelled.

“Warrior? All you know how to do is cartwheels!” Marjorie bellowed as she got to her feet and faked a charge but melded into a roundhouse punch.The punch connected with Lauren’s jaw, causing her to stumble backwards. Marjorie seized the opportunity and tackled Lauren to the ground once more. She straddled Lauren’s waist and began raining punches down on her face.

Lauren’s face was a bloody mess, but she refused to give up. With a sudden burst of strength, she bucked Marjorie off of her and scrambled to her feet. She took a few shaky steps backwards, her hands raised in a defensive stance.

Marjorie Taylor Greene charged forward, throwing a series of punches and kicks that Lauren struggled to block. She ducked under Marjorie’s punch and delivered a swift kick to her gut.

Marjorie doubled over in pain, but quickly regained her composure and delivered a crushing blow to Lauren’s chest. Lauren staggered backwards, but managed to stay on her feet.

The two women circled each other once again, their eyes locked in a fierce battle of wills. The tension was palpable as they both knew that one wrong move could mean the end of the fight.

Suddenly, Marjorie charged forward, her fists flying in a desperate attempt to take Lauren down once and for all. But Lauren was ready for her, and with a swift kick to the stomach, she sent Marjorie flying backwards.

Marjorie hit the ground hard, struggling to catch her breath. She couldn’t get up.

As Lauren stood over her, victorious, Marjorie’s eyes filled with rage and humiliation.

“You may have won this time, Lauren,” Marjorie growled. “But I’ll be back, and next time, you won’t be so lucky.”

And with that, Marjorie staggered to her feet and stormed out of the arena. She vowed that after a few thousand 2-story box jumps, she’ll be ready to fight Lauren again.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.