Food and Restaurants

Soup stock to warm your soul and socks at the same time

Soup stock is critical for a complete kitchen. Before I used this recipe I traveled the entire United States looking for some good soup stock.

“Do y’all have any good soup stock around?” I’d ask people after my knock brought them to the door.

“Have what?”

“Soup stock. I don’t have any and need some to have on hand at the ready.”

“Why don’t you just make some?” they say.

“Make it? Never thought of that. How do I do that?”

“Listen, just follow this recipe. Now, get out of here and don’t come back.”

Now enlightened, I headed home, stopping at Holiday Inns and Comfort Inns across the country to get some rest before heading out the next day. I taped the recipe to the visor so I could flip it down and try to memorize it before heading out for the day. Once home, I put the recipe under my pillow so my brain absorbed it during my dreams.

(This recipe came from Mrs. Maria Gentile’s “The Italian Cookbook.” It is a century old so you’ll have to update it as you see fit for modern equipment and cooking. )



To obtain good broth the meat must be put in cold water, and then allowed to boil slowly. Add to the meat some pieces of bones and “soup greens” as, for instance, celery, carrots and parsley. To give a brown color to the broth, some sugar, first browned at the fire, then diluted in cold water, may be added.

While it is not considered that the broth has much nutritive power, it is excellent to promote the digestion. Nearly all the Italian soups are made on a basis of broth.

A good recipe for substantial broth to be used for invalids is the following: Cut some beef in thin slices and place them in a large saucepan; add some salt. Pour cold water upon them, so that they are entirely covered. Cover the saucepan so that it is hermetically closed and place on the cover a receptacle containing water, which must be constantly renewed. Keep on a low fire for six hours, then on a strong fire for ten minutes. Strain the liquid in cheese cloth.

The soup stock, besides being used for soups, is a necessary ingredient in hundreds of Italian dishes.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.