Politics and Government

Take the world by storm

Every press release of an band, singer, artist, product, politician or service says they are “taking the world by storm.” It’s a weird phrase.

I don’t know if this is the imagery you want. Most people don’t like storms. They like calm seas and sunny days. Birds chirping in the trees.

Storms create chaos and destruction. Is this what you want in your politicians? “Hi! I’m Jim Bob Hailstorm! When you elect me as your governor, I’m going to really wreck this state. It’ll look like a hurricane came through, followed by a tornado, earthquake, tsunami and what the heck, let’s add an erupting volcano spewing hot molten lava and ash for miles around!

“Heck, I’m going to completely ignore our failing power grid! When the winter comes and your toes get so cold you start dipping them in your soda as ice cubes, you can say I did that. And it won’t matter! Because people in this state constantly vote against their own self-interest! It’s great!

“Well, anyhowz, remember the name Jim Bob Hailstorm! My campaign will drop boulder-size hailstorms on your well-being! Bye y’all!”

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.