
Ten bad topical jokes I wrote in 2000

  1. “You know, the Y2K bug was supposed to shut down all our computers. Instead, it just made everyone who stockpiled canned goods for the apocalypse look really, really paranoid.”
  2. “The latest trend is these tiny cell phones. They’re so small, I accidentally swallowed mine thinking it was a Tic Tac. On the plus side, I get great reception in my stomach.”
  3. “The U.S. election was so close this year, they had to do a recount in Florida. I haven’t seen people in Florida count that slowly since… well, every early bird special ever.”
  4. “Britney Spears and NSYNC are topping the charts. It’s a great time to be alive… unless you’re a CD player, because you’re about to become extinct.”
  5. “Have you tried this new thing called ‘Napster’? It’s amazing! You can download any song you want. It’s like a record store where the only currency is guilt.”
  6. “The Summer Olympics were held in Sydney this year. The U.S. did great, but I was disappointed to find out ‘Kangaroo Boxing’ isn’t an official event.”
  7. “Bill Gates stepped down as CEO of Microsoft. He said he wanted to spend more time with his money. I mean, family. Definitely family.”
  8. “The dot-com bubble burst this year. I knew I should’ve been suspicious when my grandma tried to pitch me her startup idea: ‘ElderlyBay’.”
  9. “The first ‘Survivor’ show aired this year. People stranded on an island, competing for food and shelter. Or as New Yorkers call it, ‘apartment hunting’.”
  10. “They’ve released this new movie, ‘Gladiator’. It’s about a guy who fights in an arena for the entertainment of others. Or as we call it in 2000, ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?'”

Ten bad topical jokes I wrote in 2000.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.