Tech and Science

Ten incredible flying cars that will be zooming outside your window very soon

Ten incredible flying cars that will be zooming outside your window very soon.

1. The HoverHammock:
This flying car is less “car” and more “comfortable reclining experience.” Designed for the laid-back commuter, the HoverHammock floats leisurely through the air, allowing its passengers to nap, read, or even have a picnic. Just don’t drop the mustard.

2. The SkySweeper:
Tired of dirty streets? The SkySweeper is here to help! As it flies, it cleans the air of pollutants and sweeps up any airborne debris. It’s like a Roomba for the sky, only bigger and with a horn that plays “Clean Up, Clean Up, Everybody Everywhere.”

3. The CloudCatcher Convertible:
This stylish vehicle not only lets you drive through the clouds but also catch and store them! Want a personal rain shower? Release a cloud. Need some shade? Just deploy your captured cumulus. It’s the ultimate in customizable weather on the go.

4. The Pegasus Pinto:
Why rely on engines when you can have wings? The Pegasus Pinto combines the body of a compact car with the majestic wings of a mythical creature. It neighs when you honk and requires hay instead of gasoline.

5. The BalloonBuggy:
Filled with helium and festooned with colorful balloons, this car floats gently through the air. It’s the perfect vehicle for parades, parties, or just making a cheerful statement. Bonus: If you run out of helium, just blow up a few more balloons!

6. The ChopperChariot:
Combining the aesthetics of a Roman chariot with the functionality of a helicopter, this flying car is perfect for those who want to make an entrance. The ChopperChariot is a nod to the past with the tech of the future.

7. The BubbleBlower:
Encased in a transparent bubble, this car offers 360-degree views as it drifts through the sky. It’s powered by eco-friendly soap and leaves a trail of smaller bubbles in its wake. Perfect for dreamers and those who want to literally “blow bubbles” in traffic.

8. The Nimbus Noodle:
Inspired by the flexibility of a noodle, this flying car can twist, turn, and even tie itself in knots. It’s the ideal vehicle for those tight parking spots in the sky. And yes, it comes in both spaghetti and linguini models.

9. The UFOreo:
Shaped like everyone’s favorite cookie, the UFOreo is a sweet ride. With a creamy center that serves as a comfy lounge, this flying car is perfect for intergalactic (or intercity) travel. Dunking in milk not recommended.

10. The Winged Waffle Iron:
For the breakfast enthusiast, this flying car looks and smells like a waffle iron. It leaves a delightful scent of freshly baked waffles in its wake, ensuring that everyone knows you’re coming. Syrup propulsion sold separately.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.