Relationships and Dating

The heart-shaped island of love and death

“How much for the car?” asked the potential customer. They had just spoken on the phone and Ken repeated the answer now that they were standing in front of his Ferrari.

“$450,000. It’s worth $600,000 but I like you. I can tell you appreciate fine automobiles,” Ken said.

“I’ll take it,” the man said.

Ken looked inside the suitcase full of money the man handed him. “Enjoy!” he said as he tossed the man the keys.

Why sell his prized Ferrari?

Ken needed cash.

It was only a few days ago he was perched atop the highest cliff of Montenegro, a sentinel of the sea, his gaze sweeping his domain. He could already feel his heart beating faster with anticipation. He was finally here, standing atop the hill overlooking the island he had traveled so far to find.

It was a large heart-shaped island near the cliffs, a perfect symbol of his love for Rosie. He thought of her and felt like his heart was about to burst with emotion. He knew that this island could make all his dreams come true.

With a deep breath of ocean air, he let his eyes wander over the horizon. The sun was setting, painting the sky a brilliant orange. The waves were crashing against the shoreline, white foam spilling into the sand. He could feel the sea breeze on his skin, salty and cool.

As he gazed out at the beauty of the island, his thoughts began to drift. His mind was filled with visions of a bright future, of him and Rosie walking hand in hand down the shores, of them lying out in the sand, of the laughter they would share in the evenings. He thought of the happy life they would have here, and his longing for her intensified.

But first, he had to make sure his plan would even work. It was simple: somehow, he had to find a way to buy the island and make it his own. He knew it was a long shot, but he was determined to make it happen.

He started to list the steps he’d need to take. He would need to find a way to get the money to buy the island. He was sure he could make enough in time, but he knew it wasn’t going to be easy. He would also need to convince Rosie to move to the island with him, and that was the most difficult part of the plan.

He sighed and shook his head. If only there was some way to make it all a reality in the shortest amount of time. He looked out at the horizon and said a silent prayer that he would find a way.

He stayed atop the hill until the sun had set, watching the stars twinkle in the night sky. Then, with a newfound determination, he trekked back down the path, home to the city, and began his mission.

His first goal was to sell his secret map to the highest bidder. Ken had stumbled upon the map while working for a wealthy client in South America. The map was said to lead to a hidden treasure, one that was worth hundreds of millions. Ken knew the map was valuable, but he had never really thought about selling it until now.

He contacted several wealthy collectors, but none of them were willing to pay the price he was asking for. Desperate for cash, Ken decided to take matters into his own hands. He knew he needed to find a buyer who was willing to pay top dollar for the map.

And then he met her.

Her name was Isabella, and she was everything Ken had ever wanted in a woman. She was beautiful, smart, and sophisticated. She was also incredibly wealthy. Ken had met her at a charity gala, where they had struck up a conversation over a glass of champagne.

He had never been good at flirting, but with Isabella, it came naturally. They laughed and talked for hours.

“How do I know the map is real?” Isabella said, smiling.

“Oh, it’s real,” Ken assured her. “I discovered the treasure while hunting for rare minerals needed for electric cars. We came to a clearing and I saw the most wonderful thing I think I’ve ever seen.

There in front of us was a magnificent cave filled with gold and jewels.”

Isabella’s eyes widened in amazement. “How much do you want for the map?” she asked eagerly.

Ken named a price that was significantly higher than what he had been offered before. He held his breath, waiting for her response.

Isabella smiled, “I’ll take it.”

Ken felt a wave of relief wash over him. He had finally found a way to get the money he needed to buy the island and make his dreams a reality.

Isabella and Ken became inseparable after that night. They traveled the world together, staying in the most luxurious hotels and dining at the finest restaurants.

Ken had never felt so alive before. Isabella was everything he had ever hoped for, and he knew she felt the same way about him.

One day, while they were lounging on a private yacht in the Mediterranean, watching the sun set over the horizon, Ken saw Rosie on the beach.

“Oh my gosh, I forgot all about Rosie and the heart-shaped island!”

He jumped in the water and swam up to Rosie.

“Rosie, it’s me! Ken! I’ve been busy raising money to buy a heart-shaped island where we can live in harmony forever!

“Who? The last time I heard from you was weeks ago. And now you want to live together? Wow, you are deluded.”

Ken’s heart sank. He had been so wrapped up in his own dreams that he had neglected Rosie. He had to make things right.

“Rosie, I know I’ve been absent. But I’ve been working hard to make a better life for us. I have the money to buy the island, and I want you to come with me. Please, give me another chance.”

Rosie looked at Ken, then at Isabella on the yacht. She shook her head and walked away from him. Ken knew he had lost her, but he couldn’t give up his dream.

He spent the next few weeks finalizing the details of the island purchase. He called contractors to build a house on the island, and he hired a team of workers to clear the land and make it habitable.

Finally, the day arrived when he could go to the island and begin his new life. He boarded a small plane with Isabella and his team, and they flew over the sparkling sea. The landed on the shore of Montenegro and met Rosie at the airport.

“Rosie, I’d like you to meet my friend Isabella. She will take us to the island.”

“Meet her? Ken, you fool,” Rosie said. “Isabella and I have been dating for months. We just needed you to buy the island for us.”

Isabella slipped away from Ken and hugged Rosie.

“By the way,” Rosie said. “They discovered a vast vein of rare minerals on the island, minerals needed for the electric car revolution worldwide. The minerals you’ve been hunting for. Isabella and I are rich beyond measure. Thanks, Ken!”

The pair climbed in the plane, and it leapt into the sky.

Ken watched it bank against the setting sun and head toward the island.

A moment later, he reached deep into his pocket and pushed the button on the detonator.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.