
The Meg Movie Review

The Meg — Movie Review

The Meg is a science fiction film based on a 1997 book called “Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror” by Steve Alten. It follows scientists on a resucue mission who run into a 75-foot long super shark.

How does a shark get that big? By cutting back on gluten and carbs and increasing fat and protein intake. Come on, where have you been lately?

Meg stars Jason Latham, Li Bingbing, Rainn Wilson, Ruby Rose, Winston Chao, Cliff Curtis and Jessica McNamee. Gee whiz, that’s about 47 people? Is there anyone else you could add to this cast. What, Nicolas Cage was busy?

The story follows Jason Stathan who is driving down a twisty road on the coast of Spain north of Barcelona, on his way to deliver a package for a client. He is following his “rule three” of driving: “Never open the package.” Nonetheless, he opens it about an hour outside of town because he is hungry and thinks there might be some Krispy Kreme in there.

That was a mistake.

The package explodes, sending him hurtling through the air onto a boat full of scientists operating an illegal short wave radio station in international waters playing a steady stream of Janet Jackson bootlegs.

Rainn Wilson relieves himself off the side of the boat which causes the Meg super shark to get really angry, swallowing the boat of scientists in one gulp. Undaunted, they continue broadcasting from inside the shark, making it sound like every new podcast in history before they buy a decent studio mic.

They drop in rescue messages between songs, but the Meg is too fast for any rescue ship to find them easily.

I recommend the Meg. Four out of five stars. One star deduction for opening the package.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.