Religion and Faith

Thomas gets word his Gospel didn’t make the cut

Agent: Thomas, how are you?

Thomas: Good, what’s up?

Agent: Well, I have news from the Bible committee.

Thomas: Great! What did they say.

Agent: I’m sorry, Thomas, your Gospel didn’t make the cut.

Thomas: Say what? Why?

Agent: Well, they said…

Thomas: Oh, my Lord. This is terrible. Who did they go with?

Agent: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Thomas: What? Those guys all copied Paul. And they didn’t even use their real names.

Agent: Well, they said you basically wrote a book of quotes.

Thomas: Wow, I remember when publishers actually knew how to read. These aren’t fake Elon Musk quotes I found on the internet. They are sayings by Jesus himself!

Agent: Can you verify that?

Thomas: Sort of. Well, no, but they are really good sayings. I should have got in just on that alone.

Agent: Sorry, old friend. We can always try again.

Thomas: Forget it. I’m working on something else now – a history of the Real Housewives shows through the years.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.