
Valentine is the new wheel man for the heist

Valentine, a large and loyal mastiff, had been planning to surprise his girlfriend with a beautiful diamond necklace for weeks. He had saved up his allowance and finally had enough money to buy the perfect gift.

On the day of the heist, Valentine nervously walked into the jewelry store, trying to act casual. He browsed the selection of necklaces, searching for the perfect one for his girlfriend.

Just as he was about to make his purchase, a group of thieves burst into the store, brandishing guns and demanding the diamonds. The store employees quickly complied, filling bags with valuable gems.

Valentine, not wanting to draw attention to himself, stayed quiet and tried to back away from the situation. But one of the thieves noticed him and demanded he help them.

“You there, big dog! You’re going to be our wheelman,” the thief said, shoving a bag of diamonds into Valentine’s mouth. “Our first guy didn’t make it when the cops showed up outside.”

Valentine, not wanting to cause any trouble, reluctantly agreed to help the thieves. He climbed into the driver’s seat of their getaway car, his heart racing with fear and excitement.

As they sped away from the jewelry store, the police gave chase. Valentine expertly weaved through traffic, dodging cars and obstacles as the thieves fired their guns at the pursuing officers.

Despite the danger, Valentine kept his cool and managed to get them to safety. The thieves, impressed by his skills, rewarded him with a share of the diamonds.

Valentine, relieved to have survived the ordeal, quickly returned home to give his girlfriend the necklace. She was overjoyed by the thoughtful gift, and Valentine promised to never again get himself into such a dangerous situation.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.