
What do you think of those St. Louis Blues, huh?

Factoid: Bruce Springsteen went alone to see a movie in St. Louis on a tour stop years ago. Some kid asked him if he wanted to sit with him and his girlfriend. He said, “Why not?” After the movie the kids asked if he wanted to come to his house and meet his mom. He said, “Why not?” It’s eleven at night.

They walk in and the kid said, “Mom, this is Bruce Springsteen!” Mom said, “Who?” He grabs an album and points to the cover. Mom says, “Oh my gosh! You’re Bruce Springsteen! Would you like some eggs?” So they sat and had breakfast at night. Springsteen has stayed in touch with them ever since.

Well, that’s the story.

For a second there you thought they were going to trap him in the basement, didn’t you?

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.