
Why You Should Pay $300 to Cuddle Cows

Some people think farmers are simple country folk who barely got out of high school. The reality is they are savvy entrepreneurs. Here is evidence number one: For $300, you can spend up to 90 minutes hanging out, playing with and cuddling a real cow.

Now who looks like the smart one, huh?

That’s right, to help reduce stress and reconnect with a simpler way of life, urban yuppies, guppies and millennials ae paying good money to cuddle cows, something we did for free in Iowa as kids just by jumping the fence to the cow pasture.

Farmer John Cuddleudder explained it this way: “When you live in the city all the time, you get away from your basic nature. People were never meant to be so far away from animals. Look up your history. Animals were part of the extended family. We help people get back to their natural state.”

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.